McDonald’s, Best Buy Canada, the Alstom Group and Simian are among the winners of the 4th Annual DAMMY Awards, Createasphere‘s competition for excellence in digital asset management. Announced as part of Createasphere‘s Digital Asset Management Conference and Exhibition in New York City, the DAMMYs are the premier award in the digital asset management industry, recognizing pioneering individuals and organizations for outstanding achievement over the past 12 months.
This year’s DAMMY competition attracted the most diverse group of participants in the history of the event. Participants competed in four categories recognizing innovations in security, workflows and new revenue streams, as well as for DAMMY of the Year, recognizing an outstanding individual who “exemplifies forward-thinking, leadership and innovation.” Judging was conducted by a blue-ribbon panel led by Fran Alexander (BCA Research), Lisa McIntyre (GSD&M), Jeff Lawrence (Celerity) and David Riercks (
2013 DAMMY Award winners include:
• DAMMY of the Year, David Diamond, Director of Global Marketing, Picturepark
• Best Example of Asset & Media Repurposing, Brian Atton, Co-Founder, Simian.
• Best Storage, Archive and/or Preservation Solution, Christina Aguilera, Manager, Global Digital Asset Management, McDonald’s Corporation
• Best Strategy Ease of Use for End-User Interface. Elaine West, Director of Internet and Brand, Alstom Group
• Best Strategy or Solution for Digital & Media Asset Management during Acquisition of Content, Wayne Yang, Senior Manager, Production Services, Best Buy Canada
“This year’s DAMMY winners represent the highest level of dedication and professionalism, and each one has made significant contributions that will have an impact on the industry for years to come,” said Createasphere president Kristin Petrovich Kennedy. “We are very pleased to honor these individuals and organization and are grateful to everyone who helped to make the 2013 DAMMYs an outstanding success.”
Createasphere‘s 2014 Digital Asset Management Conferences will be held in Los Angeles in March and New York City in October. Information on specific dates and locations will be available soon at
About Createasphere
Createasphere is the premier business development partner for technology enabled entertainment, marketing, and communications organizations. We advance careers and technologies by connecting world-class professionals globally online and in person.
Createasphere was founded in 2001, and over the past decade has grown into a global company that in 2011 produced seventeen events over three continents as well as five websites. Createasphere became part of Diversified Business Communications in 2008, and now drives their entertainment, media, technology strategies and properties division. Currently, Createasphere produces the Entertainment Technology Expos in Los Angeles; the Digital Asset Management Conference in New York, Los Angeles, and Europe; The DAMMY Awards in New York; the Executive Marketplaces for Houses of Worship in Los Angeles and Chicago; Post Production Master Classes in New York and Los Angeles, the Digital Process Workflow Lab and the online news and content portals, and<a href="http://c