New York-based creative production house Cause & [Effect] and director Moh Azima mix visual inventiveness with black and white cinematography to clone Eastern goddesses for electro psych-soul act Phenomenal Hand Clap Band. The muses, with singing lips on the palms of their hands, are surrounded with pyramid-inspired geometric shapes, among other visual techniques, in the ’80s disco-influenced music video “The Right One.” nnAzima brought on the Cause & [Effect] team early on in his collaboration with Art Director Justin Acree to hone his vision for the video’s unique imagined world. “The Right One” debuted exclusively on NPR on January 24th to tease their new album Form and Control from Tummy Touch Records due out on February 13th. nnThe Cause & [Effect] post team worked directly with Azima, first modeling CG elements in LightWave and Cinema 4D and later compositing and animating in After Effects. Notes Creative Director Jamie Hubbard, “It was an exciting challenge envisioning and creating an abstract world and then placing the people within that world to give this video its dreamlike feel.”nn
nnThe video, set to an infectious dance beat, alternates between band members performing the song among minimalist geometric sets inspired by ancient temples and abstract neon-lit spaces. Amidst lightning flashes and floating shapes that evoke modernist sculpture, individual band members are often depicted in multiple forms within a single frame while weather effects like lightning and clouds add a dramatic backdrop in stark black and white. Eventually, the band members turn into blinding beams of light, one by one, and disappear, leaving us with an empty shot of a sun peeking over the horizon of a planet as the words: “There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds” appear superimposed over the screen.nnCredits: nDirector: Moh AzimanPost Production: Cause & [Effect], New YorknExecutive Producer: Jason ZemlickanCreative Director: Jamie HubbardnDirector of Post: Jeff WolfenPost Coordinator: Leslie YoonnArt Director: Justin AcreenAnimation: Tim Lines, Pachy Sarmiento, David Acampora, Brad WalternCinematographer: Zoe WhitenProducer: Sarah RomneynCostume Design: Jenni HenslernHair and Makeup: Cheyenne TimperionnAbout Cause & [Effect]ffectnCause & [Effect} is a collection of highly talented storytellers, artists, thinkers, and above all…CREATORS. Writing, shooting, directing, editing, designing, compositing, animation… They see every project as an opportunity for collaboration—a chance to apply their creative team’s experience, ideas and personality, to making engaging and memorable work for their clients. nVirginia Scripps Press Kitchen PR 310-392-6682
iColorst and Colorist Society To Host Colorist Mixer at NAB 2025
iColorist and Colorist Society will host their hugely popular Colorist Mixer at NAB 2025 in Las Vegas. Open to colorists and other industry professionals, the event offers a unique opportunity to network and celebrate with peers. Attendees will have a chance to win prizes from Colorist Society sponsors and test their expertise in color in the Color Quiz. The Colorist Mixer at NAB 2025 will take place on Sunday, April 6 from 7 – 11 pm at Carlos ‘n Charlie’s in Las Vegas. Tickets are available here. “We look forward to welcoming our friends and colleagues back to Las Vegas as the Colorist Mixer enters its second decade,” says Colorist Society president Kevin Shaw. “We expect an evening of good times, great conversation, new connections and fabulous prizes.” This year’s event includes two ticketing options. Dinner tickets have a 7 pm admission with a buffet style meal, unlimited soft drinks, and two drinks tickets for house margaritas, daiquiris, and draft and imported beers. General entry tickets offer admission after 9 pm. The Color Quiz is open to holders of dinner tickets only. The Mixer Raffle is open to all attendees – be there before 0930 to win. The raffle will include prizes from Academy ACES, Adobe, ASUS, Blackmagic Design, Colourlab, Dolby, Flanders Scientific Inc (FSI), MediaLight, Professional Video Association (PVA), SmallHD, UHD World Association (UWA) and... Read More