The Australian agency BWM recently relied on Frankie interactive video review technology to creatively review a series of dynamic TV commercials for the Bank of Queensland (BOQ). BWM, located in Sydney, was able to go over the animation content with their clients in Brisbane and the animation house in London using Frankie’s browser-based software. Advertising agencies like BWM can review works-in-progress, regardless of where their collaborators and clients are located, with this click-and-play video review technology.nnWhen BOQ was looking to connect with Australians, they tapped BWM – Australia’s largest independent advertising agency – to come up with a creative solution. Their creative team developed concepts for animation-based spots specifically aimed at movie theater audiences. The goal was to capture the local, independent and friendly nature of the bank. Built around the tagline, “It’s possible to love a bank”, BWM produced four animated commercials for the campaign. nn
nn”Our job is to get Australians talking about the bank,” said Rob Belgiovane, Executive Creative Director at BWM. “The key to a great campaign is a great idea. Once we hit on, ‘It’s possible to love a bank’, the executions just came flooding out, which is always a great sign of a really workable long-term ad concept.”nnOnce BOQ had approved the scripts, the first order of business was to find a specialist animation house to bring them to life. Abby Hunt, National Head of Onscreen at BWM, cast a net across Australia and Europe before awarding the job to Birdbox Studio in London.nn”We chose Birdbox because they gave us the best treatment and ideas to improve the script,” said Hunt. “And they really delivered.”nnOnce the project was green lit, the producers at BWM ran the job and used Frankie to review work in progress simultaneously with both the clients, based in Brisbane, and the animators, based in London. Hunt said they found the tool that was most beneficial for detailed and speedy client feedback. Before each review, she sent a URL to her clients who simply had to click on the link to open and play the latest video instantly while the creative team took them through changes via telephone.nn”Frankie helped us bring together very busy people from across the state and globe, to work as if we were all in the same room,” said Hunt. “We can circle the tiniest detail on a frame to highlight what we are referring to. This saved us so much time with back-and-forth communication while still diving deep into the creative conversation.”nnAll five participants could discuss aspects of the commercial on a frame-by-frame basis, using drawing tools to draw right on the screen or by writing notes for all five participants to see simultaneously. Everyone was given an opportunity to provide their feedback on the content thanks to Frankie. nn”We find when something resonates with the target audience, as these commercials do with Australians, it is quite satisfying,” Hunt said. “But, our producers also had to look after technical and budgetary challenges so it was beneficial to have the interactive element during the video reviews. Frankie allows our clients to be an active part of the review process just as if they were there in person. We used to have face-to-face meetings by flying to Brisbane or flying our clients to Sydney. Using Frankie for remote video review saves us a lot of time and money.”nnFrankie plans start at $249 USD per month, which includes up to five concurrent projects, unlimited users, unlimited reviews, 10 GB of video storage and complete cross-platform compatibility. Monthly subscriptions can be cancelled at any time. Free seven-day trials are available at nnCinema Commercial CreditsnClient: Bank of Queensland (Brisbane)nAgency: