Bling Digital, a pioneering developer of today’s most innovative digital workflows , will host a panel discussion at the Hollywood Post Alliances’ annual HPA Tech Retreat exploring the rapid evolution of feature and television post production away from brick-and-mortar facilities into solutions that can happen anytime and anywhere.
“We are excited to participate in the HPA Tech Retreat both in hosting a panel and through the Demo Room,” said Chris Parker, Chief Technology Officer of Bling Digital and its parent company SIM Digital, an international supplier of camera systems. “The Hollywood Post Alliance has played a pivotal role in advancing the interests of the post production industry, and in providing forums where industry leaders can meet and discuss issues critical to the future of post production.”
Titled “Post on Demand,” the panel will be hosted by Parker and will feature as panelists Bling Digital Vice President of Creative Services Chris Jacobson, Pacific Rim Executive Producer Callum Greene, Universal Media Studios Vice President of Post Production Richard Winnie and Suits and Covert Affairs Co-Producer Gavin Barclay.
The panel will review new and emerging technologies that are enabling feature and television productions to complete post-production processes such as dailies, off-line editorial, final color correction and editorial finishing, that once required the services of conventional brick-and-mortar facilities, in portable environments. Panelists will describe innovative workflows employed on the recent feature production Pacific Rim and on the hit television series Suits.
“Post production is happening today in production offices, in hotel rooms and on location at points around the globe,” said Parker. “We will discuss new tools and workflows that are making this shift possible and show how productions are ramping up efficiency, compressing time-lines and getting more out of tight budgets.”
“New post-production workflows are not only helping productions work more efficiently, they are aiding the creative process by providing directors, DPs and producers greater control over how imagery is captured, processed and managed,” added Greene. “It has been exciting to see the results on Pacific Rim.”
“Post on Demand” is scheduled for Thursday, February 21st from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency in Indian Wells, California, site of the HPA Tech Retreat.
Bling Digital will also be showcasing a new modular, portable post-production solution called P.O.D. (Post On Demand) in the HPA Tech Retreat’s popular Demo Room. P.O.D. is a cart system that can be configured for use in dailies processing, final color grading, conform or other post-production processes. Similar Bling Digital systems are currently being used by NBC Universal, Warner Bros., Turner, AMC, CBS and Legendary Pictures, among many others.
“P.O.D. embodies the concept of portable post,” explains Jacobson. “It could be configured for dailies processing or it could be used for editorial; it could be set up on a set or in a camera truck. A P.O.D. system could even be used as the basis of an entire color suite, including cabinets, desks, client stations, etc.”
Demos of the new P.O.D. system will be conducted by Parker, Jacobson, Bling Digital Head of Post Production Engineering Dave French, and Dailies Producers Jesse Korosi and Shannon Lum.
Bling Digital has established itself as a leading provider of portable post-production technology and as a workflow specialist