The Art Directors Club (, the premier organization for creatives in integrated media and the first global creative collective of its kind, has announced two new separate juries and a new area of emphasis for the ADC 90th Annual Awards, which is open for entries at
In celebration of its 90th awards year, ADC has brought back separate juries for Photography and Illustration (last done with the 85th Annual Awards, previously handled as part of the Design category). In addition, the club has named four leading creatives and directors working in Motion Graphics to the Design jury, in recognition of that field’s growing importance. Jurors include many recognized leaders in these fields, including legendary ADC Hall of Fame laureates Seymour Chwast and Paul Davis, and past ADC Young Guns winners Andrio Abero and Christopher Lane.
The complete list of jurors for these areas, all of which have an entry deadline of January 21, 2011, is as follows:
• Marian Bantjes (jury chair), designer, artist, writer, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada,
• Andrio Abero, graphic designer, illustrator, New York, NY,, ADC Young Gun
• Seymour Chwast, graphic designer, illustrator, type designer, cofounder, Push Pin Studios, New York, NY,, ADC Hall of Fame laureate
• Paul Davis, illustrator, graphic designer, New York, NY,, ADC Hall of Fame laureate
• Maia Valenzuela, senior graphic designer, Hearst Corp., New York, NY
• Kathy Ryan (jury chair), director of photography, The New York Times Magazine, New York, NY, ADC Cube winner
• Kieran Antill, creative director, Leo Burnett, New York, NY
• Heloise Goodman, photography director, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, New York, NY
• Christopher Lane, photographer, New York, NY,, ADC Young Gun
• Lisa Naftolin, executive director, creative brand development, Nars Cosmetics, New York, NY, ADC Hall of Fame committee
• Heather Stephens, art director, The Wall St Journal, New York, NY
Motion Graphics (as part of the ADC Design jury, to be announced shortly)
• Peter Alfano, creative director, Trollbäck + Company, New York, NY, ADC Cube winner
• Tom Barham, creative director, Curious Pictures (Emmy winner, titles for “Bored to Death”), New York, NY, ADC Cube winner
• Jamie Caliri, film director (Emmy winner, titles for “Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events”), creative director, DZED Systems (Dragon Stop Motion software), Los Angeles, CA
• Danny Yount, creative director, Prologue FIlms (Emmy winner, titles for “Six Feet Under”, “Tron”, “Iron Man”), Los Angeles, CA
Deadlines for entry are as follows:
• Design, ADC Design Sphere, Photography, Illustration: January 21, 2011
• Interactive, Student: January 28, 2011
• Advertising, ADC Hybrid: February 6, 2011
For more information about the ADC 90th Annual Awards or to enter, please visit
The Art Directors Club ( is the premier organization for integrated media and the first international creative collective of its kind. Founded in New York in 1920, the ADC is a self-funded, not-for-profit global membership organization serving as a hub for a broad range of creatives including creative directors, art directors, graphic designers, digital designers, environmental designers, copywriters, illustrators, photographers and others. The club’s mission is to connect creative communications professionals around the globe, and to provoke and elevate world-changing ideas. It focuses on the highest standards of excellence in communications for the industry, and encourages students and young professionals entering the field. ADC provides a forum for creatives in Advertising, Design, Interactive Media and Communications to explore the direction of these rapidly converging industries.