The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) announced today that AFTRA members will convene their 62nd National Convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago on Thursday, August 6 through Saturday, August 8.
More than 240 professional performers, broadcasters and sound recording artistsโserving as Convention delegates elected by AFTRA members from 32 Local and Chapters throughout the countryโwill assemble for the three-day biennial National Convention, the highest governing body of AFTRA.
“The AFTRA National Convention is not just our union’s highest governing body: it is union organizing par excellence,” observed AFTRA National President Roberta Reardon. “The Convention is about creating a shared vision for the future and building power to achieve that vision. By working together in Convention sessions, workshops, member caucuses, committee meetings, seminars and training sessions, delegates build the cross-jurisdictional and member-to-member networks that define AFTRA and strengthen our union from within. I’m certain that this important event will prepare AFTRA to take yet another bold, promising step forward into the 21st century.”
During Convention, delegates will take action on a series of convention resolutions that will be brought to the floor. Delegates will also receive “state of the union” reports from AFTRA National President Roberta Reardon, National Treasurer Matthew Kimbrough, and National Executive Director Kim Roberts Hedgpeth, as well as committee reports from the Legislative and Public Affairs, Broadcast Steering, AFTRA Strategy Cabinet, Equal Employment Opportunities and other national committees.
Member caucuses and working groups scheduled to meet around the Convention sessionsโsuch as the Multi-Regional Organizing Working Group, and the Actors, Singers, Broadcasters, Spanish-Language Performers, Audio Books and Promo Announcers caucuses, among othersโ will provide delegates with updates on recent activities in their respective areas and outline specific goals and plans for the future.
“The economic downturn that began in 2007, combined with the digital revolution sweeping through the entertainment and media industries, is creating a brave new world for AFTRA members. As we prepare for the next round of major contract negotiations starting in 2010 โ the Convention provides a productive and democratic venue for AFTRA members to work together as a single, powerful union to enhance our capacity to grow ‘Made in the USA’ union jobs for AFTRA performers, recording artists and broadcast journalists,” said National Executive Director Kim Roberts Hedgpeth.
Elections for all AFTRA National Officers, including President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and seven unnumbered Vice Presidents will be held on Saturday evening, August 8. Current National President Roberta Reardon will seek a second term as AFTRA’s highest elected official.
Richard Trumka, Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, will address Convention delegates as a special guest speaker and formally present AFTRA with its AFL-CIO charter during the morning session of the Convention on Saturday, August 8. The AFL-CIO granted AFTRA its direct charter to the nation’s largest labor federation in February 2008 after convention delegates overwhelmingly voted to approve direct affiliation with the AFL-CIO at the AFTRA Convention in Philadelphia in 2007. Other dignitaries and invited speakers include Dennis Gannon, President of the Chicago Federation of Labor.
The Convention will be preceded by the AFTRA National Board meeting in face-to-face plenary session on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 4 and 5. The newly elected Board will be formally seated following the Convention on Sunday morning, August 9.
The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, AFL-CIO, are the people who entertain and inform America. In 32 Locals across the country, AFTRA members work as actors, journalists, singers, dancers, announcers, hosts, comedians, disc jockeys, and other performers across the media industries including television, radio, cable, sound recordings, music videos, commercials, audio books, non-broadcast industrials, interactive games, the Internet, and other digital media. The 70,000 professional performers, broadcasters, and recording artists of AFTRA are working together to protect and improve their jobs, lives, and communities in the 21st century. From new art forms to new technology, AFTRA members embrace change in their work and craft to enhance American culture and society. Visit AFTRA online at