Atlas Information group is holding its 9th Annual International Film & TV Finance Summit on February 2-4, 2009 at the Sofitel Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Learn how independent producers, financiers and studio executives secure the funds or tax incentives they need during tough economic and credit crisis conditions to get a film or slate of films financed.
Here Yee! Here Yee! Everyone gather round. Don’t miss the greatest motion picture in town. Get tickets and popcorn too as Atlas’ releases its 9th Annual International Film & TV Finance Summit on February 2 – 4, 2009 at the Sofitel Hotel in Los Angeles, CA. Participants will have access to and information from the most senior players in the industry at the top of their professions. Learn how independent producers, financiers and studio executives secure the funds or tax incentives they need during tough economic and crisis conditions to get a film or slate of films financed.
Some of the main attractions of the conference include the role of commercial banks in securing financing against future funding commitments, and expanded session on the U.S. state, federal and international tax incentives for film and T.V. production, how to improve financing opportunities by attaching the right talent to a project, strategies on how to break into the international markets to increase financing possibilities and much more.
Independent producers, studio executives, commercial investment bankers, film finance professionals and legal and tax accounting advisors together will examine complex issues that arise in financing TV and film production by sharing technical knowledge and past experiences. If you’re in the film business, you can’t afford to miss this summit.
To register for this event or for more information visit Receive up to 16 CPE/CLE credits by attending this conference.