Film Independent, the non-profit arts organization that produces the Spirit Awards and the Los Angeles Film Festival, announced nominations for the 2012 Film Independent Spirit Awards this morning. Anthony Mackie and Kate Beckinsale served as presenters. Nominees for Best Feature include “50/50,” “Beginners,” “Drive,” “Take Shelter” and “The Artist.” nn”Margin Call” was selected to receive the annual Robert Altman Award, which is bestowed upon one film’s director, casting director and ensemble cast. nn”The Film Independent Spirit Awards recognize the finest artistic achievements across the broad spectrum of independent filmmaking—from emerging talent working on a shoestring budget to established auteurs,” said Film Independent Senior Director Sean Mc Manus. “The 2012 nominees tell their stories in such an authentic way and reflect the inclusive nature of the independent filmmaking community. We are delighted to support them and expand the audience for their work.”nn”The Spirit Awards focuses primarily on American independents, so it was an honor to serve alongside an esteemed and dedicated group of indie film colleagues to determine many of the 2012 nominees,” said producer and Chair of the American Narrative Feature Nominating Committee Gail Mutrux. “It was an invigorating process—experiencing first-hand the vast array of storytelling that defines independent film, and discovering many new talents whose films inspired us.”n nWinners will be announced at the Film Independent Spirit Awards on Saturday, February 25, 2012. The 27th annual awards ceremony will be held as a daytime luncheon in a tent on the beach in Santa Monica, and the premiere broadcast will air later that evening at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on IFC. Winners of the Spirit Awards Filmmaker Grants will be highlighted during the awards ceremony and announced at the Film Independent Spirit Awards Nominee Brunch on Saturday, January 14, 2012 at BOA Steakhouse in West Hollywood.nnThe Spirit Awards Nominating Committees selected nominees from 277 submissions this year and applied the following guidelines in determining the nominations: uniqueness of vision, original and provocative subject matter, economy of means (with particular attention paid to total production cost & individual compensation), and percentage of financing from independent sources. The Spirit Awards Nominating Committee was comprised of the following committees:nnThe American Narrative Nominating Committee was chaired by producer Gail Mutrux and included: film critic/journalist Robert Abele; writer Dustin Lance Black; producers Stuart Cornfeld, Barry Mendel; actors Dale Dickey, André Royo, Souléymane Sy Savané; cinematographers Paula Huidobro, Stephen Goldblatt; writer/directors Courtney Hunt, Robert D. Siegel; writer/director/producer Malcolm D. Lee; director Floria Sigismondi; casting director Margery Simkin; and writer Dan Waters.nnThe Documentary Feature Nominating Committee was chaired by CEO Landmark Theatres Ted Mundorff and included: producer Lesley Chilcott; KCET’s Juan Devis; director Laura Gabbert; author/filmmaker Nelson George; filmmaker John Maringouin; San Francisco Film Society’s Director of Programming Rachel Rosen; and Los Angeles Times and NPR’s “Morning Edition” film critic Kenneth Turan.nnThe International Feature Nominating Committee was chaired by filmmaker Mary Sweeney and included: actors Shohreh Aghdashloo, Demián Bichir; Film Society of Lincoln Center’s Director of Digital Strategy Eugene Hernandez; director Leon Ichaso; writer/director Larry Karaszewski; producer/director Hossein Keshavarz; cinematographer Ellen Kuras; composer Cliff Martinez; and producer Frida Torresblanco.nnThe Piaget Producers Award Nominating Committee was chaired by producer Brian Udovich and included: producers Anish Savjani, Lynette Howell and Amy Kaufman.nnThe Someone to Watch Award Nominating Committee was chaired by producer Alison Dickey and included: filmmaker Jay Duplass; Dallas Film Society Artistic Director James Faust; Denver Post film critic Lisa Kennedy; and writer/director Daniel Stamm.nnThe Truer Than Fiction Award Nominating Committee was chaired by film critic Wesley Morris and included: filmmakers Ava DuVernay, Laura Poitras; filmmaker/cinematographer PJ Raval; and programmer Laura Thielen.nnAs the first event to exclusively honor independent film, the Film Independent Spirit Awards has made a name for itself as the premier awards show for the independent film community. Artists who have received industry recognition first at the Spirit Awards include Joel & Ethan Coen, Spike Lee, Oliver Stone, Ashley Judd, Robert Rodriguez, David O. Russell, Edward Burns, Aaron Eckhart, Neil LaBute, Darren Aronofsky, Spike Jonze, Charlie Kaufman, Hilary Swank, Marc Forster, Todd Field, Christopher Nolan, Zach Braff, Amy Adams, Lena Dunham and many more.nnThe Film Independent Spirit Awards are sponsored by Premier Sponsors ELLE, Piaget and Jamesonâ Irish Whiskey. WireImage is the Official Photographer and PR Newswire is the Official Breaking News Service of Film Independent. nn
nnFor more information on submission guidelines, voting, media and publicist credentials, and the history of the Spirit Awards, please visit FILM INDEPENDENT SPIRIT AWARD NOMINATIONSnnBEST FEATURE (Award given to the Producer, Executive Producers are not listed)nn50/50nProducers: Evan Goldberg, Ben Karlin, Seth RogennnBeginnersnProducers: Miranda de Pencier, Lars Knudsen, Leslie Urdang, Dean Vanech, Jay Van HoynnDrivenProducers: Michel Litvak, John Palermo, Marc Platt, Gigi Pritzker, Adam SiegelnnTake ShelternProducers: Tyler Davidson, Sophia LinnnThe ArtistnProducer: Thomas LangmannnnThe DescendantsnProducers: Jim Burke, Alexander Payne, Jim TaylornnBEST DIRECTORnnMichel Hazanavicius “The Artist”nnMike Mills “Beginners”nnJeff Nichols “Take Shelter”nnAlexander Payne “The Descendants”nnNicolas Winding Refn “Drive”nnBEST SCREENPLAYnnJoseph Cedar “Footnote”nnMichel Hazanavicius “The Artist”nnTom McCarthy “Win Win”nnMike Mills “Beginners”nnAlexander Payne, Nat Faxon, Jim Rash “The Descendants”nnBEST FIRST FEATURE (Award given to the director and producer)nn“Another Earth” Director: Mike CahillnProducers: Mike Cahill, Hunter Gray, Brit Marling, Nicholas Shumakernn“In the Family” Director: Patrick WangnProducers: Robert Tonino, Andrew van den Houten, Patrick Wangnn“Margin Call” Director: J.C. ChandornProducers: Robert Ogden Barnum, Michael Benaroya, Neal Dodson, Joe Jenckes, Corey Moosa, Zachary Quintonn“Martha Marcy May Marlene” Director: Sean DurkinnProducers: Antonio Campos, Patrick Cunningham, Chris Maybach, Josh Mondnn“Natural Selection” Director: Robbie PickeringnProducers: Brion Hambel, Paul JensennnBEST FIRST SCREENPLAYnnMike Cahill, Brit Marling “Another Earth”nnJ.C. Chandor “Margin Call”nnPatrick deWitt “Terri”nnPhil Johnston “Cedar Rapids”nnWill Reiser “50/50″nnJOHN CASSAVETES AWARD – Given to the best feature made for under $500,000. Award given to the writer, director, and producer. Executive Producers are not listednn“Bellflower” Writer/Director: Evan GlodellnProducers: Evan Glodell, Vincent Grashawnn“Circumstance” Writer/Director: Maryam KeshavarznProducers: Karin Chien, Maryam Keshavarz, Melissa M. Leenn“Hello Lonesome” Writer/Director/Producer: Adam Reidnn“Pariah” Writer/Director: Dee ReesnProducer: Nekisa Coopernn“The Dynamiter” Writer: Brad Inglesby Director: Matthew GordonnProducers: Kevin Abrams, Matthew Gordon, Merilee Holt, Art Jones, Mike Jones, Nate Tuck, Amile WilsonnnBEST FEMALE LEADnnLauren Ambrose “Think of Me”nnRachael Harris “Natural Selection”nnAdepero Oduye “Pariah”nnElizabeth Olsen “Martha Marcy May Marlene”nnMichelle Williams “My Week with Marilyn”nnBEST MALE LEADnnDemián Bichir “A Better Life”nnJean Dujardin “The Artist”nnRyan Gosling “Drive”nnWoody Harrelson “Rampart”nnMichael Shannon “Take Shelter”nnBEST SUPPORTING FEMALEnnJessica Chastain “Take Shelter”nnAnjelica Huston “50/50″nnJanet McTeer “Albert Nobbs”nnHarmony Santana “Gun Hill Road”nnShailene Woodley “The Descendants”nnBEST SUPPORTING MALEnnAlbert Brooks “Drive”nnJohn Hawkes “Martha Marcy May Marlene”nnChristopher Plummer “Beginners”nnJohn C. Reilly “Cedar Rapids”nnCorey Stoll “Midnight in Paris”nnBEST CINEMATOGRAPHYnnJoel Hodge “Bellflower”nnBenjamin Kasulke “The Off Hours”nnDarius Khondji “Midnight in Paris”nnGuillaume Schiffman “The Artist”nnJeffrey Waldron “The Dynamiter”nnBEST DOCUMENTARY (Award given to the director and producer)nn”An African Election” Director/Producer: Jarreth Merznn”Bill Cunningham New York” Director: Richard Press Producer: Philip Gefternn”The Interrupters” Director/Producer: Steve James Producer: Alex Kotlowitznn”The Redemption of General Butt Naked” Director/Producers: Eric Strauss, Daniele Anastasionnn”We Were Here” Director/Producer: David WeissmannnBEST INTERNATIONAL FILM (Award given to the director)nn”A Separation” (Iran) Director: Asghar Farhadinn”Melancholia” (Denmark/Sweden/France/Germany) Director: Lars von Triernn”Shame” (UK) Director: Steve McQueennn”The Kid With a Bike” (Belgium/France/Italy) Directors: Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardennenn”Tyrannosaur” (UK) Director: Paddy ConsidinennPIAGET PRODUCERS AWARD – The 15th annual Piaget Producers Award honors emerging producers who, despite highly limited resources demonstrate the creativity, tenacity, and vision required to produce quality, independent films. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant funded by Piaget.nnChad Burris “Mosquita y Mari”nSophia Lin “Take Shelter”nJosh Mond “Martha Marcy May Marlene”nnSOMEONE TO WATCH AWARD – The 18th annual Someone to Watch Award recognizes a talented filmmaker of singular vision who has not yet received appropriate recognition. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant.nnSimon Arthur “Silver Tongues”nMark Jackson “Without”nNicholas Ozeki “Mamitas”nnTRUER THAN FICTION AWARD – The 17th annual Truer Than Fiction Award is presented to an emerging director of non-fiction features who has not yet received significant recognition. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant.nnHeather Courtney “Where Soldiers Come From”nDanfung Dennis “Hell and Back Again”nAlma Har’el “Bombay Beach”nnROBERT ALTMAN AWARD – (Given to one film’s director, casting director, and its ensemble cast)nn“Margin Call” Director: J.C. ChandornCasting Director: Tiffany Little Canfield, Bernard TelseynEnsemble Cast: Penn Badgley, Simon Baker, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons, Mary McDonnell, Demi Moore, Zachary Quinto, Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tuccinnn# OF NOMINATIONS BY DISTRIBUTORnnFox Searchlight 14nAnother Earth, Cedar Rapids, Martha Marcy May Marlene, Shame, The Descendants, Win WinnnSony Pictures Classics 9nA Separation, Footnote, Midnight in Paris, Take ShelternnFocus Features 6nBeginners, PariahnnThe Weinstein Company 6nMy Week with Marilyn, The ArtistnnFilmDistrict 4nDrivennRoadside Attractions 4nAlbert Nobbs, Circumstance, Margin CallnnSummit Entertainment 4n50/50, A Better LifennThe Cinema Guild 3nNatural Selection, The InterruptersnnOscilloscope Laboratories 2nBellflowernnNo DistributornThe Dynamiter 2nAn African Election 1nIn the Family 1nMamitas 1nMosquito y Mari 1nThe Off Hours 1nThe Redemption of General Butt Naked 1nSilver Tongues 1nThink of Me 1nnATO Pictures 1nTerrinnBodega Studios 1nHello LonesomennFocus World 1nBombay BeachnnInternational Film Circuit 1nWhere Soldiers Come FromnnMagnolia Pictures 1nMelancholiannMillenium Entertainment 1nRampartnnMotion Film Group 1nGun Hill RoadnnNew Video 1nHell and Back AgainnnRed Flag Releasing 1nWe Were HerennStrand Releasing 1nTyrannosaurnnSundance Selects 1nThe Kid With a BikennZeitgeist Films 1nBill Cunningham New Yorknnn44 FILMS NOMINATED | TOTAL NOMINATIONS PER FILMnn”Take Shelter” 5n”The Artist” 5n”Beginners” 4n”Drive” 4n”The Descendants” 4n”Martha Marcy May Marlene” 4n”50/50″ 3n”Another Earth” 2n”Bellflower” 2n”Cedar Rapids” 2n”Margin Call” 2n”Midnight in Paris” 2n”Natural Selection” 2n”Pariah” 2n”The Dynamiter” 2n”A Better Life” 1n”A Separation” 1n”Albert Nobbs” 1n”An African Election” 1n”Bill Cunningham New York” 1n”Bombay Beach” 1n”Circumstance” 11n”Footnote” 11n”Gun Hill Road” 11n”Hell and Back Again” 1n”Hello Lonesome” 1n”In the Family” 11n”Mamitas” 1n”Melancholia” 1n”Mosquito y Mari” 1n”My Week with Marilyn” 1n”Rampart” 1n”The Redemption of General Butt Naked” 1n”Shame” 1n”Silver Tongues” 11n”Terri” 1n”The Interrupters” 1n”The Kid With a Bike” 1n”The Off Hours” 1n”Think of Me” 1n”Tyrannosaur” 1n”We Were Here” 1n”Where Soldiers Come From” 1n”Win Win” 1nnnnAbout THE FILM INDEPENDENT SPIRIT AWARDSnNow in its 27th year, the Film Independent Spirit Awards is an annual celebration honoring artist-driven films made with an economy of means by filmmakers who embody independence and originality. The Spirit Awards recognizes the achievements of American independent filmmakers and promotes the finest independent films of the year to a wider audience. nnAwards are given in the following categories: Best Feature, Best First Feature, Best First Screenplay, Best Director, Best Screenplay, John Cassavetes Award (given to the best feature made for a budget under $500,000), Best Male Lead, Best Female Lead, Best Supporting Male, Best Supporting Female, Best Cinematography, Best International Film, Best Documentary, and the Robert Altman Award. The Filmmaker Grants include the Piaget Producers Award, Someone to Watch Award, Truer Than Fiction Award and Jameson FIND Your Audience Award. nnAbout FILM INDEPENDENTnFilm Independent is a non-profit arts organization that champions independent film and supports a community of artists who embody diversity, innovation, and uniqueness of vision. Film Independent helps filmmakers make their movies, builds an audience for their projects, and works to diversify the film industry. Film Independent’s Board of Directors, filmmakers, staff, and constituents, is comprised of an inclusive community of individuals across ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Anyone passionate about film can become a member, whether you are a filmmaker, industry professional, or a film lover.nnFilm Independent produces the Spirit Awards, the annual celebration honoring artist-driven films and recognizing the finest achievements of American independent filmmakers. Film Independent also produces the Los Angeles Film Festival, showcasing the best of American and international cinema and the Film Independent at LACMA Film Series, a year-round, weekly program that offers unique cinematic experiences for the Los Angeles creative community and the general public. nnWith over 250 annual screenings and events, Film Independent provides access to a network of like-minded artists who are driving creativity in the film industry. Film Independent’s Artist Development program offers free Labs for selected writers, directors, producers and documentary filmmakers and presents year-round networking opportunities. Project:Involve is Film Independent’s signature program dedicated to fostering the careers of talented filmmakers from communities traditionally underrepresented in the film industry.nnFor more information or to become a member, visit Freimuth Film Independent Tel: 310.432.1287 Contact Elise via email
Goldcrest Post Speeds Delivery of “Severance” Season Two
The New York Times recently wrote that the just-released Season Two of Severance will “blow your mind”—and we couldn’t agree more. Created by Dan Erickson and Ben Stiller, the Apple TV+ drama is smart, spellbinding, distinctly original and packed with surprises. For those who aren’t already devoted fans, the show centers on Mark Scout (Adam Scott), leader of a team at Lumon Industries, whose employees have undergone a “severance” procedure that surgically divides their memories between their work and personal lives. Goldcrest Post provided post services for both seasons of the show, including picture editorial support, sound editorial, ADR and sound mixing. Editorial for Season One began in 2020. Due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, Goldcrest supplied both onsite production offices and edit suites, and remote editing systems for individual editors, with everything linked to a central server. "Mixing at Goldcrest with our team has been a great experience,” says Stiller. “Bob and Jacob are in sync with our creative process and so good at what they do that the experience is always one where it's about how we can enhance the creative vision, with a baseline of knowing everyone is totally committed to making something as good as it can be." Diana Dekajlo, the show’s co-producer, says that the arrangement worked so well, they chose to continue the hybrid approach for Season Two. “We’re a remote friendly show,” she explains. “Whether we’re at Goldcrest, our studio in the Bronx or at home, our workflow is seamless. I conduct remote daily meetings with my immediate staff, and weekly meetings with editorial and VFX, and we talk to each other as if we were just down the hall. It makes for great staff... Read More