DAVID O. RUSSELL GOES RETRO ’70s FOR DRAFTFCBFeature filmmaker David O. Russell (The Fighter) continues…
Newly signed BRW USA, Los Angeles helmer Mark Palansky tears ‘huddled masses’ from the mundane…
Directed by Alex Feil of Alive & Well, “Passionate Fans,” a :30 for the Honda…
The Doctor Twins–Matt and Jason–via Harpoon Pictures teamed with digital studio Radium/Reel FX, Santa Monica…
The directing duo DarkFibre–who recently joined Pictures In A Row for representation in the U.S.…
Actor Jason Schwartzman and conceptual artist John Baldessari discuss art but it’s an atypical dialogue…
Reading from a storybook to a classroom full of youngsters are tennis greats Andre Agassi…
People tell tall tales, after which a voiceover confirms that each is “full of bologna,”…
We open on a young man athletically blocking a shot in a pick up basketball…
We open on a de-saturated, darkly lit shot of an office interior. A solitary, fatigued…
Giving your computer screen the finger isn’t as ornery or ill mannered as it sounds.…
We open at a Starbucks shop where a cup has the name “Sue” written on…
Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman’s Playtone, along with Lexus’ LStudio have launched web series The…
Calum deHartog’s not like most commercial directors. He moonlights as a Toronto police officer. Seeing…
To the strains of Mozart’s “Requiem D Minor V Sanctus,” we see various spectacles leap…
The Television Bureau of Canada (TVB) and Toronto agency john st. have revealed that a…
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Shoot Screenwork
NAVIGATING SIGHTWALKS IN PERUCircus Grey PerĂº has teamed with Cemento Sol and the Municipality of Miraflores…