a2 Milk, a brand under Burnaby, BC based Agrifoods Cooperative, is introducing a campaign to show Canadians that not all milks are equal.
Created by agency partner Zulu Alpha Kilo, the star of the digital-first campaign is a dishonest catfish who contrasts the easier to digest benefit of a2 Milk against a humourous, relatable life moment that is anything but digestible. The objective was to disrupt purchasing habits and get people to consider a new brand of milk that helps them feel amazing.
In this video directed by Fatal Farm (Zachary Johnson) via Spy Films, we see a first date set in a coffee shop. The woman is on her phone looking at a dating app comparing her date, the catfish, to his fake dating profile. She realizes that she’s been “catfished,” pours some a2 Milk into her coffee and takes a sip to feel better, proving that a2 Milk is easier to digest than being catfished, by a real catfish. And just when it seems that our vignette has ended, another catfishing chapter begins.
The campaign has rolled out across social media platforms, digital video and display.