Created by consumer robotics pioneers Anki®, Vector, the Good Robot isn’t just technologically advanced; he represents a friendly, peaceful future where robots and mankind live in peace—not intent on destroying each other. Or at least that’s the message behind a new campaign from Wieden+Kennedy, which compares Vector to the other, much more menacing robots that absolutely don’t want to be our friend.
The campaign launched with this film titled “The Decision”–directed by Nick Gordon of Somesuch–in which a man, who represents the choice humanity as a whole must make, has to decide which robot he wants to bring home. There’s Vector, the charming, super-advanced home robot who just wants to be your friend and help out around the house. And then there are the other robots… In the end, the decision is rather easy.
As part of the Good Robot campaign, Anki is also asking other robot makers to join them in shaping this more positive human/robot future. Mobile billboards will spend the next few weeks driving around the headquarters of many robotics and artificial intelligence companies, as well as several of the nation’s leading robotics universities, reminding them that we have the power and responsibility to steer this industry towards a future where robots can peacefully co-habitate with their human friends.