In the stirring CG animated film, a struggling single mom finds her job at the factory in jeopardy as robotics replace people in the workforce. The inevitable finally happens as she is out of work and at a crossroads, floundering to see a path forward. Inspired by the love she feels and the responsibility she has for her kids, the mom enrolls in an online course at the University of Phoenix to get a degree in Information Technology (IT).
Hers is a story of triumph–for her, her family, and for women who are sorely underrepresented in the tech biz. Directed by Dan & Jason (Dan Abdo and Jason Patterson) of animation studio Hornet Inc. for agency 180LA, this University of Phoenix commercial titled “We Can Do IT” tells a tale that is complemented and advanced by music and sound design from Beacon Street Studios in Venice, Calif. Also deployed in the spot is the Cranberries’ track “Dreams,” with bicoastal Good Ear Music Supervision providing its services
Music/Sound: Beacon Street Studios, Venice, Calif. Andrew Feltenstein, John Nau, composers; Adrea Lavezzoli, Leslie DiLullo, exec producers; Lindsey Lerman, producer; Amber Tisue, sound design; Kate Vadnais, sr. producer. Good Ear Music Supervision, bicoastal Track: “Dreams” by the Cranberries Audio Post: Beacon Street Studios, Venice, Calif. Amber Tisue, mixer; Kate Vadnais, sr. mix producer Agency: 180LA Production: Hornet, New York Dan Abdo, Jason Patterson, directors Visual Effects/Animation: Hornet, New York; Hana Shimizu, EP; Sang-Jin Bae, head of prodn; Kristin Labriola, development producer; Nikke DiCesare, producer; HyeSung Park, art dir; Stephanie Andreou, editor; Kendelle Hoyer, storyboard artist; Aiden Sugano, character designer; Christina Faulkner, designer; Riley Spencer, coordinator; Richard G. Kim, CG lead, ltg & render TD; Fred Kim, lead compositor; David Soto, Pedro Conti, character modelers; Michael Altman, character TD-animator; Javier Leon, Esau Perez, Marta Pomb, Javier Jaen & Isabel Garciad, environment modelers; Gabe Askew, FX TD; Matt Parent, Andrew Boccio, previs artists; Roman Kobryn, lead animator; Ozan Basaldi, Hee-Jin Kim, animators; Aaron Baker, Christine Kim, ltg & rendering; Elizabeth Ku-Herrero, texture & look dev. artist; Dark Hoffman, matte painter; Shawn King, colorist. (Toolbox: Maya, Nuke, Adobe Creative Suite, Resolve, Vray)
Following World AIDS Day, which was celebrated on December 1, co-production companies Central Films and Freelance For track one man’s existential, and potentially career-altering, decision to “come out” as living with HIV in Spain in this public service spot titled “The HInVisible Celebrity.”
Out of agency Señora Rushmore for ViiV Healthcare Spain, in collaboration with GESIDA, SEISIDA, and Apoyo Positivo, the PSA--directed by Rodrigo García Sáiz via Central Films Spain--addresses the stigma against publicly living with HIV in Spanish society. In the more than 40 years since the first case of HIV appeared in Spain, no public figure in Spain has claimed to have HIV. Viiv Healthcare Spain asks, if there are 150,000 people with HIV in Spain (or approximately 1 in 300), why don’t we know anyone with HIV?
The central character, who dons a mask of television-pixelated anonymity, gives himself an introspective pep-talk ahead of announcing his status to the Spanish public. Along the way, he wonders what will become of his career, and reputation in general, even as he recognizes that his declaration could change Spain’s cultural landscape for the better and for all of those in Spain who live with HIV every day. As no public figure in Spain has ever announced living with HIV--due to fear of public rejection--this character realizes that such a role model could change that.
The character has already begun building social media awareness with his Instagram profile, @famosoinvihsible, which began cataloging his life as a public figure earlier this fall. Still, though, the figure either leaves himself out of the picture, faces away from the camera, or dons the pixelated mask associated with anonymous admission. “The HInVisible... Read More