In Hulu's limited series titled "11.22.63," James Franco stars as an English teacher who stumbles upon a time portal and tries to prevent the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy which took place on Nov. 22, 1963.
The show earned an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role.
Bridget Carpenter, writer, developed story for television.
Hellmann’s Super Bowl commercial “When Sally Met Hellmann’s” brings together Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan--35 years after the 1980s’ hit rom-com When Harry Met Sally, evoking timeless flavor and nostalgia with the iconic line: “I’ll have what she’s having.” Reprising their beloved roles of Harry and Sally, the duo hilariously recreates the film’s unforgettable scene in Katz’s Delicatessen, with a deliciously creamy twist, thanks to Hellmann’s mayonnaise.
The :30 commercial finds Sally sitting across from Harry, wearing his classic cable knit fisherman’s sweater, celebrating their anniversary over a traditional deli lunch. Sally is displeased with her turkey sandwich until she adds a generous squeeze of rich and creamy Hellmann’s mayonnaise that adds mind-blowing flavor so palpable that the rest of the patrons can’t help but notice. So much so, award-nominated actress and producer, Sydney Sweeney, takes notice, delivering the famous line, “I’ll Have What She’s Having.”
This is a :60 version of the spot which was created by agency VML and directed by Jake Szymanski. (The :30 is slated to run during the second quarter of the Super Bowl.)