Gabe Askew of Hornet Films directed this animated comedy short which tells the pioneer era story of Leroy, a colorful, 13-year-old boy whose only wish it become a famous stage performer.
His supporting cast in life includes a criminally insane grandmother and a feverishly simple father (who is a potato) as they make the 2,000 mile trek across the Oregon Trail.
Visual Effects/Animation: Hornet Films, New York Gabe Askew, writer/director; Michael Feder, exec producer; Jan Stebbins, Greg Bedard, producers; Bill Burg, Jeff Lee, lead animators; Meghdad Asadi, rigging; Tyler Hurd, additional animation; Andres Gutierrez Torres, character design; Erwin Riau, character modeler; Rachel Kwak, Dave Soto, modelers. (Toolbox: Maya, Vray, After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop) Agency: none; Production: Hornet Films, New York Gabe Askew, writer/director
Directed by Frรฉdรฉric Planchon of Academy Films for agency adam&eveDDB, this spot from Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation brand shows how much fun life can be when we take play seriously. The film takes you through an ordinary city as it transforms into play. From dustbins turning into basketball hoops and staircases converting into slides, PlayStation shows you that play is everywhere and in everything.
The action spotlights the joy and elation everyone can experience when they welcome PlayStation and a world of play into their lives.
Titled โPS5 | Play Has No Limits,โ this film spotlights the joy and elation one can experience when they welcome PlayStation and a world of play into their life.