Titled “To My Great Granddaughter,” this University of Phoenix TV spot tells a relatable tale of a woman who immigrates to the United States, overcomes obstacles and earns an MBA, opening the door for future generations to succeed. Directed by Peter Thwaites via The Corner Shop for agency 180LA, the :60 advances the campaign mantra that “A Degree Doesn’t Just Change You.”
“University of Phoenix came to us with a true insight of not just having a purpose to graduate students, but to graduate families across the board,” said Eduardo Marques, executive creative director at 180LA. “That quickly resonated with us, brought back real memories and paved the way for this campaign. It was collaborative in a profound way, which is why we think it works. It’s generational.”
A motivational part of the campaign also includes true-to-life alumni stories that reflect the broader program which launch later in the month.
Client University of Phoenix Agency 180LA William Gelner, chief creative officer; Eduardo Marques, Rafael Rizuto, executive creative directors; Wilson Mateos, creative director; Josh Hacohen, sr. copywriter; Karine Grigorian, sr. art director; Natasha Wellesley, head of integrated production; Dominique Anzano, sr. producer; Kaleen Ogden, strategy director. Production The Corner Shop Peter Thwaites, director; Anna Hashmi, head of production; Jay Shapiro, producer. Editorial Exile Conor O’Neill, editor; Rex Lowry, assistant editor; Michael Miller, sr. producer; CL Weaver, exec producer; Jennifer Locke, head of production. Telecine The Mill Adam Scott, colorist; Liza Kerlin, producer; Thatcher Peterson, exec producer. VFX/Finishing The Mill Steve Cokonis, Flame artist; Marcus Speaker, producer; Enca Kaul, exec producer. Audio Post Lime Studios Loren Silber, mixer; Susie Boyajan, exec producer. Music We Are Walker Jeremy Yang, composer; Sara Matarazzo, exec producer.
Hellmann’s Super Bowl commercial “When Sally Met Hellmann’s” brings together Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan--35 years after the 1980s’ hit rom-com When Harry Met Sally, evoking timeless flavor and nostalgia with the iconic line: “I’ll have what she’s having.” Reprising their beloved roles of Harry and Sally, the duo hilariously recreates the film’s unforgettable scene in Katz’s Delicatessen, with a deliciously creamy twist, thanks to Hellmann’s mayonnaise.
The :30 commercial finds Sally sitting across from Harry, wearing his classic cable knit fisherman’s sweater, celebrating their anniversary over a traditional deli lunch. Sally is displeased with her turkey sandwich until she adds a generous squeeze of rich and creamy Hellmann’s mayonnaise that adds mind-blowing flavor so palpable that the rest of the patrons can’t help but notice. So much so, award-nominated actress and producer, Sydney Sweeney, takes notice, delivering the famous line, “I’ll Have What She’s Having.”
This is a :60 version of the spot which was created by agency VML and directed by Jake Szymanski. (The :30 is slated to run during the second quarter of the Super Bowl.)