This piece of branded content titled The Surprise for Interac–directed by Tomas Mankovsky of OPC for Toronto agency Zulu Alpha Kilo–follows a boy who works hard to earn himself enough money seemingly with the goal being to buy a puppy. Bringing his new piggy-bank with him every step of the way, the boy washes cars, paints garages, and even keeps the proceeds from a lost tooth.
Struggling with credit card debt and its effects, the boy’s father reflects on his own payment behavior after watching his son learn the value of paying with his own money.
“We’re never too old to learn,” says Zak Mroueh, chief creative officer/founder of Zulu Alpha Kilo. “We want Canadians who watch #TheSurprise to see that life is truly better when you use your own money.”
The video–which is highlighted by a surprise ending–will primarily live online with a 360 campaign directing Canadians to watch the film. This will include a 90 second version of the story playing in theatres across the country, in-theatre movie posters, digital, social and two 15 second teaser spots.
The creative and strategic platform encouraging Canadians to use their own money with Interac Debit is going into its third year in the market.
Client Interac Association Agency Zulu Alpha Kilo Zak Mroueh, chief creative officer; Allen Oke, executive creative director; Fiorella Martinez, art director; Jacob Pacey, writer; Tara Handley, producer; Heidi Philip, Emma Brooks, strategy team. Production OPC Tomas Mankovsky, director; Ian Webb, producer; Steve Annis, DP; Shasta Lutz, casting director. Video Post/Editing Saints Ross Burchall, editor. Postproduction Alter Ego Tricia Hagoriles, colorist. Audio Post/Music Eggplant Adam Damelin, audio director; Nicola Treadgold producer; Brad Tigwell, engineer. Song: Bahamas “Lost in the Light” Media Agency Media Experts. French Creative (for Quebec marketplace) TANK
The Best Work You May Never See: White Ribbon, Bensimon Byrne, Director Angie Bird Introduce Us To “My Friend, Max Hate”
White Ribbon has launched its “My Friend, Max Hate” campaign in Canada featuring this public service film that follows the journey of a young, isolated boy who becomes influenced by a misogynistic online puppet, “Max Hate.” The PSA reveals how online figures in the manosphere--a network of online communities promoting hateful, misogynistic rhetoric which fuels attitudes among young men and boys that contribute to gender-based violence.
“It’s alarming to see the growing impact of the manosphere and how they are conditioning vulnerable populations such as teens, particularly young men,” said Humberto Carolo, White Ribbon CEO. “These misogynistic online groups have existed for years, but their influence has grown under controversial figures, driving an increase in gender-based violence. With the My Friend, Max Hate campaign, our goal is to expose the damaging influence of misogynistic figures and raise awareness, particularly among young men who are often drawn into these toxic online communities.”
Launching two weeks before Safer Internet Day (February 11), the campaign--from Toronto agency Bensimon Byrne--underscores the importance of online safety and protecting youth through clear content boundaries.
White Ribbon is creating an online resource hub that educates individuals on how to recognize harmful online groups and provides support for young men and boys seeking to escape. Additionally, the campaign will launch a TikTok account, @max_hate_, featuring the PSA ‘My Friend, Max Hate’ puppet to expose how these figures gain influence and spread hate in a space that reaches those most influenced, young men.
The PSA was directed by Angie Bird via Toronto-based Westside Studio.
Now in its 34th year, White Ribbon... Read More