Directed by Jeff Low of Biscuit Filmworks for Droga5 London, this comedic ad tells us that BrewDog beer is not just here for laughing hipsters and clichéd father-son moments; nor is it reserved for its core market of beer lovers. BrewDog is here for all the weird and wonderful people in the world: happy couples, unhappy couples, shoplifters, vegetarians, vegetarians that lie, bad swimmers, people who believe in aliens from other planets; people who meditate (but are really just thinking with their eyes closed).
BrewDog is also for everybody because of its environmental commitment, giving a serious dimension to this humorous spot. As the world’s first carbon-negative brewery, BrewDog offsets double its entire carbon footprint through tree planting initiatives around the world. It also brews using renewable energy, uses packaging made from easily recycled materials, and prioritizes local ingredients, as well as transporting its beer in the U.K.’s first electric 19-ton truck.
Some scenes in the commercial feature people explicitly ignoring the product or actively rejecting it. The key message is that BrewDog operates in a way that helps keep the planet alive–whether you drink BrewDog beer or not.
The production of all assets in the campaign has also been offset through tree planting schemes, making it a sustainable campaign in every sense. As part of Droga5 London’s commitment to sustainability, each member of the agency has been granted Lost Forest citizenship and committed to planting a tree in the Forest.
David Kolbusz, chief creative officer at Droga5 London, said, “When you run a carbon-negative brewery, it isn’t just the beer drinkers who benefit. It’s everyone on earth. This reductive equation became the starting point for a campaign we’re enormously proud of. We went about listing everyone we thought would see an upside from BrewDog’s environmental efforts. Our original cut was five hours long.”