Oscar-winning director (La La Land) Damien Chazelle takes the plunge with this short film centered on a Hollywood stunt man whose parachute fails to open during a leap from a skyscraper. The man’s life then flashes before our eyes as he recalls a life of thrills, adventure and suspense performing all manner of stunts, some death-defying, in movies dating back to the silent era.
Titled “The Stunt Double,” the film–lensed vertically–is the latest installment of Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” campaign. In this case the cinematographer is Linus Sandgren who too earned an Oscar for La La Land.
Chazelle directed via Superprime Films, the production house which handles him in the branded arena, for agency Media Arts Lab.
Client Apple Agency Media Arts Lab Brent Anderson, chief creative officer; Brian O’Rourke, executive director, film & content production; Chuck Monn, group creative director; Paul Wysocan, creative director; Adam Alshin, creative director, art director; Margaret Nickerson, executive producer; Ian Kelly, sr. producer. Production Superprime Films Damien Chazelle, director; Rebecca Skinner, Michelle Ross, exec producers; Carr Donald, line producer; Nick Shandra, production supervisor; Linus Sandgren, DP; Shane Valentino, production designer; April Napier, costume designer; Sean Graham, stunt coordinator. Music Lorne Balfe, composer. Editorial Exile Shane Reid, editor; CL Kumpata, exec producer.
Lead agency Serviceplan’s new cross-media campaign for Lufthansa, “All it Takes is a Yes,” includes this short film which follows a protagonist who is magically transported from her daily office life to dream destinations with just a simple tap on the Lufthansa app.
We accompany her on a wonderful journey, discovering inspiring local experiences along the way. We see her at a dumpling shop in Shanghai, swimming in the turquoise waters near Rio de Janeiro, grabbing a sandwich at a New York deli, exploring the bustling streets of Mumbai, dancing at a wedding party in Rome and marvelling at the desert in South Africa. Along the way she connects with a character who’s seemingly following her. Inspired by magical realism, director Niclas Larsson via production house Iconoclast has crafted a stunning visual journey that perfectly blends reality and dream.
The campaign was developed and implemented by an international Serviceplan team under the creative lead of Serviceplan Germany chief creative officer Till Diestel, and global executive creative directors Erick Barrios Hernández and Wolfgang Warzilek.
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://wp-shoot.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/22164533/All-it-takes-is-a-Yes.-Lufthansa.mp4"][/video] Read More