Titled A Balloon for Ben, this animated short film is set in a world where balloons are filled with the light of film. Ben and his father purchase a balloon with the intention of watching it together, but things do not go as planned when the demands of his father’s job get in the way. What follows is a heartwarming tale of how Ben’s father ultimately shares the joy of making time for what he loves, with his son. The film features a unique rendition of ‘Everywhere’ by Fleetwood Mac, which is performed by Toronto-native Em Patrick (English) and Star Académie winner, Stephanie Lapointe (French).
Yves Geleyn directed via production/animation studio Hornet for agency Zulu Alpha Kilo, Toronto.
A Balloon for Ben, part of the continuing “See The Big Picture” campaign, is being shown at Cineplex’s 165 theaters across Canada as part of the December and January Pre-Shows. It will also be promoted and brought to life through a fully-integrated marketing strategy across Cineplex’s social media, communications and digital channels.