This World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) film featuring Dr Sara Kayat of ITV This Morning opens on her office as she has pen and prescription pad at the ready.
However, this is no ordinary prescription that she’s writing. Rather it’s “a daily dose of nature.” Dr. Kayat addresses the audience directly explaining that just 20 minutes a day in nature has the ability to significantly decrease stress levels, ease anxiety, while also boosting our mood.
As the camera pans out, the office/doctor’s consult room is revealed to be a set among a labyrinth of trees. The cool-toned clinical space is replaced by the golden hue of afternoon sun streaming through a wooded canopy, over a veil of purple heather and across the glass-like lake.
The sound of a doctor’s office gives way to nature’s symphony: soft rustling breeze, crisp crunch of leaves underfoot, the hum of insects and distant bird coos.
A far cry from the clamor and chaos of traditional ads, viewers get a brief moment to settle into a scene of nature’s true calm.
Uncommon Creative Studio is the creative agency behind the “A Prescription for Nature” campaign which includes this film directed by Samona Olanipekun via Prod Co.