The directorial team known as Detroit of Toronto-based production house OPC turned out this darkly humored, offbeat spot in which a man is confronted by someone whom he did wrong–a bunny who walks on two front peg legs because the man needed a pair of rabbits feet for good luck. Turns out the good luck charm is no longer needed now that Poker Wingman is available for online poker players. The spot came to Detroit directly from the client.
Production Company: OPC Detroit (the team formerly known as Woods+Low), directors; Harland Weiss, Donovan Boden, exec producers; Mary Beth Jenner, producer; James Gardner, DP; Chad Smith, production manager; Joel Kondrat, coordinator.
Top Spot of the Week: Barnardos, BBH Dublin, Director David Leon Shed Light On Childhood With Birthday Candles
Children’s charity Barnardos is releasing this thought-provoking film created by BBH Dublin to highlight the challenges some children in Ireland face. Barnardos knows that to understand a child’s issues takes time and work. It’s not a quick fix. That forms the basis of the new film in the “Change Their Story” campaign, which follows a young boy recounting a childhood birthday. It begins with him telling a story of a perfect day, surrounded by friends, family, presents and a huge cake topped with candles. The story is then retold again and again. With each blow of the candle, more of the facade is chipped away to get to the truth; that his birthdays weren’t very special. The story ends with the boy, now in his teens, opening up about his real childhood experience to a Barnardos keyworker. All laddering up to the enduring line, “Because childhood lasts a lifetime.” BBH Dublin worked closely with Barnardos to capture the reality of the healing process on film--how it’s an ongoing journey that requires continued support. David Leon directed via production company Iconoclast. Evonne O’Rourke, production lead, BBH Dublin, added, “We felt a real responsibility to produce a piece of work that had impact and the power to support the brilliant work that Barnardos does. We knew we had a great script on our hands, but it was crucial that the idea was underpinned by craft that protected the authenticity of the story. “It was a fine balance to strike--the production design, edit, sound design and color grade all had key parts to play in shaping and enhancing the narrative but not in a way that would overpower or become the focal point of the film.” [video width="1920" height="1080"... Read More