Directed by Joseph Paul, “Big Crow” paints a world where scarecrows are terrified of crows. This is the first short film produced by DROOL Productions, which was founded by director Freddie Powell and EP Genevieve Sheppard.
DROOL initiated “Big Crow” as a passion project, reinvesting in the creative process.
“Nobody questions scarecrows. They have been ruling the roost for over 100 years. What happens when the crows get revenge?” asked Paul. “We wanted to make a project that pushes the work we love: playful with a high level of craft.”
Powell added “We make a lot of ads. So it’s just nice to put something out there that people have no idea why it exists but they’re happy it does. Sometimes all you need is a bunch of trusted partners, some Kodak film you’d wanted to test out, and a massive field.”