San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance has introduced a public service campaign created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners (GS&P), which puts a lighthearted spin on a serious conservation issue–the loss of wildlife and biodiversity.
The campaign’s debut film depicts endangered wildlife across several locations. The twist? The endangered lions, giraffes, rhinos and penguins are actually sheep imposters. The closing message of the ad is that “you can’t replace wildlife once it’s gone” (which is the title of the overall campaign). Viewers are invited to participate in protecting the future of wildlife by joining San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance or by visiting the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
The agency's GS&P Films served as production company, with Michael Miller directing.
"While working with San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance to create this PSA campaign, the team saw firsthand how they leverage hope, connection and inspiration to connect with millions of wildlife allies, who visit their wildlife parks in Southern California and through various digital properties,” said Jeff Goodby, co-chairman, Goodby Silverstein & Partners. “As such, we wanted to delight viewers and inspire them to help San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance with their important mission of creating a world where all life thrives.”