The International Olympic Committee (IOC) rolled out this two minute short film titled What Agnes Saw. The film is narrated by Danai Gurira (Black Panther) and will be played during the Tokyo opening ceremonies on 7/23 and is part of the IOC’s “Stronger Together” campaign. What Agnes Saw was co-directed by Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe, a duo that just won a Best Live Action Short Oscar for co-directing Two Distant Strangers. This is their first project since their big Oscar win, and Free’s first brand spot.
What Agnes Saw features 100-year-old Olympic legend Agnes Keleti and Olympic newcomer Sky Brown, connecting wisdom and experience with the future. The campaign celebrates the strength, resilience, and determination of athletes to bring hope, unity and inspiration to people around the world. Production company on the two-minute film was Dirty Robber.
Client International Olympic Committee Greg Groggel, executive producer, Olympic Originals; Mary Byrne, editor in chief, Olympic Channel; Christopher Carroll, director of marketing & digital engagement; Lars Silberbauer, global head of brand, marketing & digital; Matt McKie, head of global Olympics marketing; Catherine Green, sr. manager, Olympic marketing campaigns. Production Dirty Robber Martin Desmond Roe, Travon Free, creative directors/directors; Jasper Thomlinson, Chris Uettwiller, exec producers; Katie White, producer, L.A.; Anna Szijarto (Kinomoto), producer, Hungary; Chris Westerlund, DP (U.S.); Maytas Erdely, DP (Hungary). Postproduction Jamie Baker, Omri Kruvi, post producers. Music Score a Score Dan Rosen, composer.
At the heart of this campaign for Pay.UK Current Account Switch Service (CASS) is a playful yet relatable narrative, brought to life in the hero TV commercial, “Blind Date.” Directed by Rosie May Bird Smith of Biscuit Filmworks for agency House 337, the spot follows a woman nervously meeting her blind date, only to discover the person waiting for her is someone you definitely wouldn’t want to meet on a blind date. The voiceover reassures: ”Blind dates. They’re a bit like switching bank accounts. You don’t want any surprises. That’s why we guarantee there won’t be any when you switch with the Current Account Switch Service.”
“Everyone knows the pain of a bad date, the gut-churning realization you’ve texted your boss instead of your mate, and being stuck next to someone eating the world’s stinkiest lunch,” said Ross Newton, creative director, House 337, who added, “Life is a minefield of unwanted surprises, so coming up with the campaign idea was the easy part. The real challenge was deciding which situations to include and which to ditch. Sadly, these scenarios are all too relatable for us all, myself included.”
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