Directed by Noam Murro of Biscuit Filmworks for agency Merkley+Partners, this modern wintry love story takes place in the middle of a severe snowstorm as a boy tries to convince his father to drive him (in his Mercedes-Benz C-Class with 4MATIC all-wheel drive) to meet his first date at a movie theater. When they arrive and go inside, as expected, the theatre is totally empty. Despondent, the boy walks past his father and back out into the storm, his first date having not materialized. But then, heroically, through the heavy flakes of snow, the lights of an approaching Mercedes-Benz GLE appear in the distance.
The online :90, which has a :60 version for TV, is driven in part by the song “Make You Feel My Love” by Bob Dylan. Originally sung by Billy Joel in 1997, it was also covered by Adele in 2008. The version in “Snow Date” was performed by the group Sleeping At Last.
Client Mercedes-Benz USA Agency Merkley + Partners Andy Hirsch, chief creative officer/chairman; Eddie Van Bloem, group creative director/copywriter; Saks Afridi, group creative director/art director; Alex Kobak, sr. producer; Gary Grossman, director of broadcast production. Production Biscuit Filmworks Noam Murro, director; Simon Duggan, DP; Shawn Lacy, managing director; Rick Jarjoura, exec producer; Jay Veal, line producer. Postproduction Work Editorial Stewart Reeves, editor; Sari Resnick, editorial producer; Erica Thompson, editorial exec producer. VFX MPC New York Chris Bernier, 3D lead; Rob Walker, lead compositor; Ashley Burns, shoot supervisor; Sophie Hogg, VFX producer; Camilla De Biaggi, VFX exec producer; Justin Bruckman, VFX managing director. Music “To Make You Feel My Love” by Bob Dylan; music supervision by Sleeping At Last. Music Supervision Venn Arts Jonathan Hecht. Sound Design Brian Emrich, sound designer. Audio Post Heard City Phil Loeb, mixer.
Lead agency Serviceplan’s new cross-media campaign for Lufthansa, “All it Takes is a Yes,” includes this short film which follows a protagonist who is magically transported from her daily office life to dream destinations with just a simple tap on the Lufthansa app.
We accompany her on a wonderful journey, discovering inspiring local experiences along the way. We see her at a dumpling shop in Shanghai, swimming in the turquoise waters near Rio de Janeiro, grabbing a sandwich at a New York deli, exploring the bustling streets of Mumbai, dancing at a wedding party in Rome and marvelling at the desert in South Africa. Along the way she connects with a character who’s seemingly following her. Inspired by magical realism, director Niclas Larsson via production house Iconoclast has crafted a stunning visual journey that perfectly blends reality and dream.
The campaign was developed and implemented by an international Serviceplan team under the creative lead of Serviceplan Germany chief creative officer Till Diestel, and global executive creative directors Erick Barrios Hernández and Wolfgang Warzilek.
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