This mockumentary-style story focuses on Marty Goldberg, the pioneering filmmaker known for his brevity as the master of the five-second film. Assisted by his admiring protégé Gary as well as Dell technology, Goldberg demonstrates how much creativity and content he can pack into a few moments.
Adam Gunser of Über Content directed for Y&R New York.
Client Dell Agency Y&R New York Jim Elliott, chief creative officer; Jim Radosevic, global creative director; Alan Vladusic, creative director/art director; Bruce Jacobson, creative director/copywriter; Letitia Jacobs, executive director of content production; Gisellah Harvey, executive producer; Julia Cilia, brand strategist. VML, New York Hunter Eshelman, group creative director. Production Über Content Adam Gunser, director; Phyllis Koenig, Preston Lee, exec producers/owners; Steve Wi, exec producer; Pat Harris, line producer; Jac Fitzgerald, DP; Marc Benacerraf, art director. Editorial Fluid John Piccolo, editor; Christian Oreste, assistant editor; Laura Relovsky, executive producer. Audio Mr. Bronx Audio David Wolfe, mixer. Post Stephen Picano, colorist. VFX Chris Davis, Bryan Rosenblum, VFX/Flame.
Hellmann’s Super Bowl commercial “When Sally Met Hellmann’s” brings together Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan--35 years after the 1980s’ hit rom-com When Harry Met Sally, evoking timeless flavor and nostalgia with the iconic line: “I’ll have what she’s having.” Reprising their beloved roles of Harry and Sally, the duo hilariously recreates the film’s unforgettable scene in Katz’s Delicatessen, with a deliciously creamy twist, thanks to Hellmann’s mayonnaise.
The :30 commercial finds Sally sitting across from Harry, wearing his classic cable knit fisherman’s sweater, celebrating their anniversary over a traditional deli lunch. Sally is displeased with her turkey sandwich until she adds a generous squeeze of rich and creamy Hellmann’s mayonnaise that adds mind-blowing flavor so palpable that the rest of the patrons can’t help but notice. So much so, award-nominated actress and producer, Sydney Sweeney, takes notice, delivering the famous line, “I’ll Have What She’s Having.”
This is a :60 version of the spot which was created by agency VML and directed by Jake Szymanski. (The :30 is slated to run during the second quarter of the Super Bowl.)