In this year’s holiday film, the main character of Chick-fil-A’s 2019 animated holiday piece, Sam, returns to help restore the missing spark in her town. With a little help from a new friend, she discovers she can be a source of hope and inspiration and light the way for her community. The driving message of the animated film and campaign is that we can all make a difference in the lives of those around us by offering encouragement to each other.
Marie Hyon of Psyop directed the short, titled “The Spark,” for McCann.
The new two-minute film launches digitally on Nov. 17 and on Thanksgiving Day on NBC.
Client Chick-fil-A Agency McCann Sean Bryan, Tom Murphy, co-chief creative officers, North America; Larry Platt, Danny Rodriguez, EVPs, executive creative directors, NY; Sherrod Melvin, group creative director, NY; Tom Weingard, creative director, NY; Kathy Love, SVP, executive integrated producer; Julianna Katrancha, SVP, group strategy director; Justin Luk, strategy director; Andre Bittar, Estefanio Holtz, creatives; Cali McGovern, jr. copywriter; Ralph Vibar, Jillian Nedd, jr. art directors; Eric Johnson, SVP, executive music producer, integrated production; Dan Gross, integrated music producer; Rachel Aronson, VP, strategy director. Production/Animation Psyop Marie Hyon, director; Adina Sales, Eve Strickman, exec producers; Amy Fahl, Andrew Rindlaub, producers; Briana Franceschini, lead technical director; Pat Porter, lead 3D animator; Zed Bennett, lead rigger; Matthias Bauerle, 2D lead. Audio Decibel Studios Tom Goldblatt, sound design & sound engineer; Adam Zeitlen, sr. producer. Music Squeak E. Clean Studios Jesse Watt, composer; Zac Colwell, creative director; Deb Oh, exec producer.
Lead agency Serviceplan’s new cross-media campaign for Lufthansa, “All it Takes is a Yes,” includes this short film which follows a protagonist who is magically transported from her daily office life to dream destinations with just a simple tap on the Lufthansa app.
We accompany her on a wonderful journey, discovering inspiring local experiences along the way. We see her at a dumpling shop in Shanghai, swimming in the turquoise waters near Rio de Janeiro, grabbing a sandwich at a New York deli, exploring the bustling streets of Mumbai, dancing at a wedding party in Rome and marvelling at the desert in South Africa. Along the way she connects with a character who’s seemingly following her. Inspired by magical realism, director Niclas Larsson via production house Iconoclast has crafted a stunning visual journey that perfectly blends reality and dream.
The campaign was developed and implemented by an international Serviceplan team under the creative lead of Serviceplan Germany chief creative officer Till Diestel, and global executive creative directors Erick Barrios Hernández and Wolfgang Warzilek.
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