Marketing communications agency Lowe Campbell Ewald has created a public service campaign for HAVEN, a nonprofit organization that helps victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Oakland County, Mich. A key component of the campaign is a 30-second television PSA directed by Angus Wall via production house Elastic.
“Mr. Nice Guy” opens on a man speaking directly to the camera, to a future victim. He begins by stating that he will be “really nice” and that “you’ll tell your friends about me.” But the tone quickly shifts when he speaks about the first time he “will smack you, hard.” The spot gets darker as he threatens to “push you down the stairs,” eventually going after his victim’s children. Ending on an ominous note, the man says he will do it again and again, and “convince you it’s all your fault.” The spot then reveals HAVEN’s logo, “Live Without Fear” and a call to action to the organization’s website