Volvo presents Mr. Robinson’s Driving School, an online comedy series featuring actor Craig Robinson, known for his role on The Office, developed by Euro RSCG 4D, New York. Robinson is offered an opportunity to take over a large driving franchise if he can defeat his arch-nemesis in a series of challenges chronicled in the series. In this episode of Mr. Robinson’s Driving School, Craig’s emotions are all revved up because of the opportunity to take over the larger driving school franchise as its owner retires. But there’s more on the line than running the driving school–he also trying to win the heart of Cherie Bonet, who works at the franchise.
Agency: Euro RSCG Worldwide Pat Stern, executive creative director; Anna Papadopoulos, interactive media director Production Company: Reveille Productions/Drama 3-4, Los Angeles Howard T. Owens, Jared Tobman, Brice Beckham, David Fickas, Josh Uranga, executive producers; Brice Beckham and David Fickas, directors; Ric Barbera, Brice Beckham, David Fickas and Megahn Perry, writers; Craig Robinson, Lee Arenberg, lead actors MSN Kris Bergen, user experience; Ann-Marie Petersons, producer; Lauren Bloom, Eric Day, strategy
Ad Council, ONDCP, Strawberry Frog, Director Haya Waseem Team To Combat Opioid Overdoses
Developed as part of the Ad Council’s partnership with the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and created pro bono by agency StrawberryFrog, this public service campaign underscores the vital role young people can play in reversing opioid overdoses by carrying naloxone (often branded as Narcan or ReVive).
Directed by Haya Waseem via production company Object & Animal, this “It’s Gotta Be You” PSA shows how a girl answers the call to help save another young person.
Raising awareness of opioid overdose reversal medications like naloxone is a critical way to empower young adults to save lives, as the presence of fentanyl in illicit drugs and in counterfeit pills continues to put countless lives at risk nationwide. Naloxone is available without a prescription in all 50 states and territories and can reverse an opioid overdose.
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