“Snurfing,” surfing the internet when you are supposed to be on the phone, is the topic of one of eleven humorous animated web films created by Matt Clark via Goody Silverstein and Partners to promote Comcast’s Triple Play package. In the video, Jim’s girlfriend is on the phone with him and realizes he is not paying attention. She tells him she thinks she has vacuumed up her roommates hamster to which he replies, “uh huh, totally.” She goes on to say an ax murderer has just come down the chimney and set the living room on fire, and she gets the same response, “uh huh, totally.” After she says that a woolly mammoth has put the fire out and that she’s fine and gets another ho-hum reaction from Jim, she accuses him of “snurfing,” the word Comcast has come up with to describe the act of surfing the internet when you are supposed to be on the phone. The film complements a TV campaign that consists of three :30 spots that center around other slang terms like “snurfing” used for the activities that become possible when you sign up for a Triple Play package.
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Jamie Barrett, executive creative director; Will McGinness, creative director; Nick Spahr, creative director/art director; Chris Ford, creative director/copywriter; Devin Sharkey, Chris Valencius, art directors; Nat Lawlor, Spencer Riviera, copywriters; Peter Albrycht, interactive producer; Cathleen Kisich, broadcast producer; Brian McPherson, account director
Top Spot of the Week: AlmapBBDO, Director Lu Villaca Team On A Show Of Strength For Women and Johnnie Walker
Johnnie Walker wraps up the year with an inspiring campaign that is a direct and bold response to those who would question the strength of women. Created by AlmapBBDO in São Paulo, Brazil, this anthem film--“Forte São Elas” (“Strong are the Women”) starring actress Alice Braga--references one of the most iconic productions in the brand’s history worldwide:”The Man Who Walked Around The World.” Produced by Surreal Hotel Arts, directed by Lu Villaça, and featuring an original soundtrack by Cabaret Studio, “Forte São Elas” shows Braga walking as she describes how strength plays an essential role in the daily life of every woman. Whether facing stereotypes or countless other barriers, women are the masters of their own choices and stay true to their journeys. “The campaign recognizes the emotional strength and resilience of every woman who faces and overcomes obstacles every day, and boldly challenges outdated stereotypes. And when they say that whisky is too strong for women, we will tell them: it’s the women who are strong,” said Andrea Rubim, head of marketing for Johnnie Walker. [video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://wp-shoot.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/19005421/Johnnie-Walker-StrongAreTheWomen-1.mp4"][/video] Read More