Will Speck and Josh Gordon of Furlined directed this social film–comprised of six episodes–in which a man (portrayed by Eric Roberts), with the help of his friends and technology, must discover his “power inside” to defeat extraterrestrials that invade in the unlikely form of moustaches and unibrows on innocent earthlings. Elias handled the music and POP Sound the sound design. Agency was Pereira & O’Dell, San Francisco.
Agency: Pereira & O'Dell PJ Pereira, chief creative officer; Jaime Robinson, executive creative director; Jason Apaliski, creative director; Ross Cavin, Neil Ramanan, copywriters; Chris Adams, Brett Beaty, art directors; Jeff Fero, VP of production; Bill Spangler, film producer. Production Company: Furlined,Tool of North America Will Speck, Josh Gordon, directors; Diane McArter, David Thorne, exec producers; Jan Wieringa, producer; Matt Robinson, writer; Jo Willems, DP.,(Interactive production partner on project) Ben Tricklebank, interactive director; Dustin Callif, Brian Latt, Oliver Fuselier, exec producers; Matt Gase, sr. art director; Tatum Cardillo, designer; Bartek Drozdz, creative technologist; Joy Kuraitis, head of digital production; Kim Zaninovich, sr. interactive producer. Visual Effects: Zoic Studios Cally Morton, exec producer; Robb Moggach, creative director; Matt Olmon, VFX producer. Music: Elias Arts David Gold, head of production; Brent Nichols, creative director/composer; Jonathan Elias, Michael Fraumeni, Kimo Kemp, Sarah Trevino, composers; Ann Haugen, exec producer. Audio: POP Sound Rusty Dunn, Chris Pinkston, sound designers; Peter Rincon, Michael Miller, mixers.
The Best Work You May Never See: Cadbury, VCCP London, Director Steve Rogers Stir A Sweet “Memory” Connecting Father and Daughter
Directed by Steve Rogers via Biscuit Filmworks for agency VCCP London, this spot titled “Memory” opens with a daughter visiting her father at his home, a bar of Cadbury Wholenut chocolate in hand. Her father, living with dementia, smiles at the sight of the chocolate, recognizing it as a gift his daughter has bought him since she was a child. In this moment, he doesn’t recognize her as his daughter. Instead, he begins to tell her how this ritual gifting always makes his wife laugh because, as he proudly reveals, he’s always hated nuts.
The daughter can’t help but laugh, touched by the idea that her father has kept this secret for so long. As he looks at her earnestly, he asks her not to tell his “daughter”--meaning her--about the secret, because “it makes her so happy.” The daughter responds softly. “It does.” She recognizes the quiet generosity of her father’s long-held secret, something he’s kept hidden from her all these years, despite not always remembering who she is.
Cadbury is committed to telling inclusive stories rooted in human truths that are representative of the U.K. To ensure the story’s accurate portrayal of people living with dementia, Cadbury consulted with specialists throughout the development of the film.
Cadbury has extended its partnership with Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK’s leading dementia research charity, into 2025. The two organizations first joined together in 2024 to celebrate the role of Cadbury in the nation’s shared memories and to support the charity’s mission for a cure for dementia.
“Memory” was brought to life with the help of VCCP’s global content production studio Girl&Bear. The film will run across the U.K. throughout 2025, appearing on TV, VOD,... Read More