What opens as a pleasant, fairly mundane slice of family life takes an R-rated turn, facilitated by the speed, power and stylized design of the 2015 Type-R Honda Civic. Directed by Kirby McClure of Radical Friend via production house Kream for agency Karmarama, the teaser trailer transitions to an apocalyptic city featuring demon-eyed wolves, samurais and super humans.
VFX supervisor Leo Weston of Rushes, London, oversaw assorted effects for the film, including neon lit set extensions of futuristic cityscapes, falling rain effects, exploding speed cameras, beauty work on female androids, plus adding their black android eyes, glowing wolf eyes, and bringing in the exploding CG crystal.
The rotating black crystal was sculpted in ZBrush and shattered into hundreds of fragments using Houdini’s procedural modelling capabilities. Although the crystal explosion was initially driven using a particle system, the need for creative control meant that the majority of the pieces ended up being hand animated.