Maps take on a life of their own, becoming a giant monster wreaking havoc on a city of men grappling with directions. However one guy, armed with a Garmin navigational system, transforms into an oversized super hero to do battle with and conquer the “Maposaurus.”
Agency: Fallon Minneapolis Kerry Feuerman, creative director; Brian Tierney, group creative director; Kris Wixom, Alisa Sengel Wixom, creatives; Vic Palumbo, director of broadcast; Marty Wetherall, senior producer; Michael Elliot-Knight, music supervisor Production Company: Smith and Sons Fillms (London) Ulf Johansson, director; Philippa Smith, executive producer; Barry Ackroyd, DP Editorial: hutchco technologies Jim Hutchins, Paal Rui, editors Postproduction: MPC (The Moving Picture Company) Jean-Clement Soret, colorist Pixel Farm, Minneapolis Steve Medin, online editor/visual effects artist Music: Musicvergnuegen, Hollywood Walter Werzowa, Jono Brown, Jeff Kollman, composers; Pat Weaver, producer; Steve Grimmett, performer Sound Design: Pixel Farm Ken Chastain, sound designer/audio mixer
Ad Council, ONDCP, Strawberry Frog, Director Haya Waseem Team To Combat Opioid Overdoses
Developed as part of the Ad Council’s partnership with the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and created pro bono by agency StrawberryFrog, this public service campaign underscores the vital role young people can play in reversing opioid overdoses by carrying naloxone (often branded as Narcan or ReVive).
Directed by Haya Waseem via production company Object & Animal, this “It’s Gotta Be You” PSA shows how a girl answers the call to help save another young person.
Raising awareness of opioid overdose reversal medications like naloxone is a critical way to empower young adults to save lives, as the presence of fentanyl in illicit drugs and in counterfeit pills continues to put countless lives at risk nationwide. Naloxone is available without a prescription in all 50 states and territories and can reverse an opioid overdose.
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