This spot focuses on a lone traveler whose adventure unfolds to the tune of an “All By Myself” parody (with Shindig Music + Sound serving as music/sound design house). Directed by Anthony Mandler of Arts & Sciences, the commercial depicts a traveler having a dismal time until she finds another woman who’s the personification of Expedia.
The new-found friend turns out to be a great companion, upgrading her accommodations, helping the traveler feel connected to the city she’s visiting, and making all the snafus of the past a distant memory.
Anthony Mandler of Arts & Sciences directed this ad, titled “All By Myself” for agencies Team One in L.A. and Saatchi & Saatchi London.
Client Expedia Agency Team One, Los Angeles, Saatchi & Saatchi, London Chris Graves, chief creative officer; Dan Triechel, Fabio Costa, executive creative directors; Amina Halim, Davide Vismara, creative directors; Joshuah Harms, art director; Andrew Crawford, copywriter; Sam Walsh, Rebecca Williams, heads of production; Jenny Valladares, sr. producer; Emily Wold, associate producer; Neil Cleary, music supervisor. Production Arts & Sciences, London Anthony Mandler, director; Autumn Durald Arkapaw, DP; Marc Marrie, EP, managing director; Mal Ward, managing director/partner; James Bland, exec producer (London); Christa Skotland, head of production; Pete Vitale, producer; Brian Branstetter, production designer. VFX/Post Framestore, Los Angeles Carla Attansio, head of production; Peter King, VFX exec producer; James Rogers, creative director. Editorial Whitehouse Post, London Sam Gunn, editor; Antonia Porter, sr. producer. Color Company 3 NY Tom Poole, colorist; Alexandra Lubrano, producer. Music/Sound Shindig Music + Sound, Playa del Rey, Calif. Scott Glenn, creative director/partner; Austin Shupe, composer/arranger; Caroline Hudson, head of production; Daniel Hart, sound designer/partner; Debbi Landon, EP/partner. Song: “All By Myself” parody. Audio Post Lime Studios, Santa Monica, Calif. Joel Waters, mixer; Susie Boyajan, exec producer. Talent Rashida Jones
How do you top one of the most viral brand videos ever made? Spoiler alert: you can’t. But when Dollar Shave Club tapped Zack Seckler to direct a new campaign to revive the absurdist humor of its iconic launch video, he knew he had a rare opportunity to create something special.
The brief was simple: introduce the concept of a physical “Club” that people would love to join while showcasing Dollar Shave Club’s products and embracing the weird. From script to direction and post, Seckler--an alum of SHOOT’s 2021 New Directors Showcase--was invited to help sculpt that vision.
The result is this “Welcome to the Club” spot which invites us to join a unique, seemingly exclusive but in reality an accessible and affordable fraternity of Dollar Shave Club members. But you need to know the password or more accurately, the two-word phrase--"shave money."
“The Club” campaign brings the brand back to its humorous roots, reflecting a new chapter after being acquired by Nexus Capital Management from Unilever in late 2023. The work takes Dollar Shave Club back to its disruptive beginnings and what made the brand a viral sensation from its inception in 2011.