This spot directed by Evan Silver through agency Viacom Velocity, which also handled the production, introduces us to Jessica who knows how to put on a good meeting, replete with such fine touches as Pizza Hut pizza, a DJ, and even adorable puppies. She is an "out-doer," exceeding expectations in everything she takes on.
Titled “Puppies,” the :30 underscores the declaration that “No one out-pizzas the Hut.”
Silver (who’s on the roster of production house Gifted Youth) collaborated on the spot with DP Benn Martenson, among others.
Client Pizza Hut Agency/Production Viacom Velocity Evan Silver, director; Benn Martenson, DP; Niels Schuurmans, EVP, chief creative officer; Chris Carlson, SVP, creative; Ken Saji, VP, creative director; Zac Coe, copywriter; Deb Reichman, executive producer; Jeff Woodton, production management director; Ashlee Alves, production manager; Chris Zimmer, line producer; Tommy Shull, editor; Luigi Romano, assistant editor; Ellie Miltner, project management director; Ayla Nucum, designer; Rob Cerrato, York Capistrano, motion graphics; Meredith Kohlbecker, integrated marketing director; Carly McElroy, Stacy Katz, integrated marketing managers. Audio Plush NYC Eddie Cooper, sound. Color Nutmeg Gary Scarpulla, colorist. Media Agency Optimedia
The Japanese-based photo-sharing app FamilyAlbum, isn’t yet a household name in the U.S., but it does boast 23 million subscribers. To help break into the U.S., the brand recently teamed up with creative agency Familiar Creatures to launch its first major marketing campaign in the market.
The campaign includes this :30--directed by Jordan Rodericks via SpangTV--which portrays the pressure a new mother faces as family and friends demand photos of her newborn, immediately after birth, reflecting the high expectations for immediate photo-sharing in today’s connected world.
The satirical tone of the video is designed to capture the humor in real-life situations while promoting the user-friendly interface and stress-relief that FamilyAlbum provides along with free, unlimited storage.
The campaign is tailored for busy families who want a straightforward solution to store and share important moments without overwhelming social media feeds or worrying about privacy.
[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] Read More