All the world’s a stage–and in this case a Bellawood wooden floor is the platform for a family’s life at home. There’s tapdancing, skateboarding, a toddler discovering peanut butter, an exploding watermelon and a glass that shatters. It’s a messy, joyful existence with beauty and durability under foot.
This brand spot was produced for Big River Advertising through a creative collaboration between Trademarky Films and director Ruben Latre of Hostage Films. Trademarky Films’ producer Mark Meyers sought out a directing partner who could capture the agency concept of a bombastic slice-of-life with a cinematic touch. Meyers, a longtime producer and proponent of a cooperative approach that includes sourcing talent, was inspired by Ruben Latre’s stylized, richly layered reel. Latre’s extensive treatment was the tipping point in the selection.
Latre directed and shot "A Bountiful Life," which was captured on three cameras; the Epic Dragon, the Phantom, and a Blackmagic.