Created via Deutsch in Los Angeles, the latest faux trailer from Taco Bell takes on the sci-fi genre. In “Retrieval,” a hero played by James Marsden must venture into space to bring back the beloved Nacho Fries. Directed by James Gray of production house Superprime, the spot was cut at Union Editorial by Matt Chesse.
Taco Bell first debuted the instantly iconic fries with the conspiracy theory trailer “Web of Fries” which explored the reasons Taco Bell was prevented from offering fries in the first place. This past summer the series continued with “Web of Fries II,” highlighting Taco Bell’s victory over the “Burger People” in a future dystopia.
“We are delighted to have Nacho Fries make their cinematic return, this time starring in ‘Retrieval,’ in which we seek to address the question of ‘where do Nacho Fries keep going?’ with a new genre and new hero who will go to all lengths to bring them back,” said Marisa Thalberg, global chief brand officer at Taco Bell Corp.
Client Taco Bell Agency Deutsch Pete Favat, chief creative officer, North America; Brett Craig, chief creative officer; Jeremiah Wassom, Chris Jones, creative directors; Krish Karunanidhi, sr. art director; Daniel Chen, sr. copywriter; Diego De La Maza, head of production; Paul Roy, executive integrated producer; Jamie Gartner, sr. integrated producer; Eryk Rich, music director; Chase Butters, audio producer; Dez Davis, music coordinator. Production Superprime James Gray, director; Rebecca Skinner, Michelle Ross, managing directors; Roger Zorovich, exec producer; Ron Mohrhoff, sr. producer. Editorial Union Editorial Matt Chesse, editor; Dana Maddox, assistant editor; Michael Raimondi, president/managing partner; Joe Ross, exec producer. Color Company 3 Stefan Sonnenfeld, colorist; Gabriel Wakeman, producer. Postproduction/VFX Framestore Bethan Thomas, director of production and operations; Morgan MacCuish, sr. VFX producer; Aron Hjartarson, creative director; Tom Leckie, VFX supervisor; Alex Villabon, compositing supervisor; Kevin Baker, CG supervisor. Licensed/Composed Music Massive Music Audio Formosa Sound John Bolen, mixer; Lauren Cascio, exec producer; Per Hallberg, Phil Morrill, sound design.
Carmaker Dacia, owned by Renault, is taking part in the legendary Dakar Rally, a grueling long distance race where drivers take on the Saudi Arabian desert.
To mark Daciaโs first-ever participation in the Dakar Rally, Publicis Conseil created this film which presents a world of sand that is as spectacular as it is challenging for drivers and their vehicles. Rune Milton directed this visceral, hyper-realistic piece via production house Wanda.
As a bonus, the drivers of the official Dacia team, The Dacia Sandriders, make an appearance: Nasser Al-Attiyah, Sรฉbastien Loeb and Cristina Gutiรจrrez. The work has been released in Europe on television and digital.