Agency David&Goliath has launched the “CA Believes” initiative for the California Lottery which recognizes and celebrates individuals who aspire to “Believe in Something Bigger.” The campaign consists of a series of six inspirational short films, each featuring the real life story of different individuals in California who are defying the odds, changing lives and chasing their dreams on a daily basis.
“’Believe in Something Bigger’ started as a tagline for Powerball. But soon we realized it could mean something bigger,” said David Angelo, founder and chairman of David&Goliath. “It became the start of a movement. And it inspired us to find six different people in different places doing some pretty special things.”
One of the films focuses on Bruno Serato, a restaurant owner in Anaheim, California, who pays it forward by preparing 1,000 plates of pasta each day to children in need. Todd Krolczyk of Arts & Sciences directed the shorts, including the one simply titled “Bruno,” introducing us to the pasta man.
The films are housed at , a website that also includes a call-to-action that asks users to tweet or upload their own stories–using the hashtag #CADream–about what inspires them to “Believe in Something Bigger.”