“The Dream Still Lives,” a project concepted by Stevie Wonder and directed by Candice Vernon, has launched 50 years from the exact moment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s tragic death. In the film, entertainers, politicians, and athletes–including Wonder, former President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama, Katy Perry, Meryl Streep, Chadwick Boseman, Senator Kamala Harris, Trevor Noah, Dave Chappelle, and Bruce Springsteen–address personal hopes for the future as inspired by MLK’s Dream.
Produced by Bullitt Entertainment, the moving tribute to envisioning change encourages the public to make their voice heard through personal posts and positive action. People are invited to find and share inspiration here.
“I am honored that I have been chosen to be a part of the team to bring Stevie Wonder’s vision to life, and help keep the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ever present. The project is so vital to the unity that we still strive for today, and serves as a reminder that we are all one human race,” said Vernon. “Together we can make the impossible possible, breaking the chains of discrimination for all groups, and create peace and harmony across the globe.”
Vernon’s body of work spans branded content, short films and episodic series. Vernon wrote, directed, and produced “Make America Great?” an award-winning short film that screened worldwide in the wake of the 2016 elections. A former advertising executive producer, Vernon has worked on projects with clients such as The Dollar Shave Club, Time Warner Cable, Jockey, and many more. Following production on Dream Still Lives, director Vernon signed with Bullitt for branded projects and advertising.