Set to a unique adaptation of the holiday classic “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” this Microsoft holiday spot titled “Reindeer Games” tells an inspirational story featuring nine-and-a-half-year-old Owen rising to the top of his game with the support of all of his friends–including his real-life best friend Gunnar–and a little help from the Xbox Adaptive Controller, designed to help physically challenged gamers. Owen has Escobar Syndrome, which limits his mobility, but does nothing to reduce his passion for gaming.
We watch as his friends gather to cheer him on as word spreads of his impending achievement. The moment of joy experienced by the children celebrating together when Owen wins the game reminds us of the spirit of the holiday season and illustrates Microsoft’s overall mission to create accessible technology that levels the playing field and creates opportunity for all of us.
Because, when everybody plays, we all win.
Bryan Buckley of Hungry Man directed “Reindeer Games” for agency m:united//McCann New York. Music house was JSM Music, with VFX from The Mill.
Client Microsoft Agency m:united//McCann New York Sean Bryan, chief creative officer; Shayne Millington, David Banta, EVPs/executive creative directors; Sherrod Melvin, SVP, group creative director; Martha West, Will Montgomery, associate creative directors; Julie Koong, sr. art director; David Cappolino, sr. copywriter; Carolyn Johnson, SVP, head of integrated production; Rebecca Magner, producer; Eric Johnson, SVP, executive music producer; Dan Gross, music producer; Sam Belkin, music business manager. Production Hungry Man Bryan Buckley, director; Kevin Byrne, managing partner/executive producer; Dan Duffy, producer/director of sales; Mino Jarjoura, exec producer; Matt Lefebvre, producer. Editorial Rock Paper Scissors Damion Clayton, editor; Michael Shugarman, assistant editor; Eve Kornblum, exec producer; Jenny Greenfield, producer. Post/VFX The Mill Anastasia von Rahl, exec producer; Michael Theurer, sr. VFX producer; Ariana Govan, production coordinator; Tara DeMarco, Jason Monroe, shoot supervisors; Phil Crowe, chief creative officer; Daniel Thuresson, 2D lead artist; Evan Langley, Greg VanZyl, Roxy Zuckerman, Tim Crabtree, & Stephen Paragone, 2D Artists; Chris Storniolo, Phil Mayer, Michael Lori, Danny Garcia, Abhishek Kumar, Ayush Bajoria, Fazal Khan, Ganesh Lamkhade, Giri Prasath S, Karthik Viswanathan, Raj Kumar M, Rajan Ramakrishna, Rijo R, Sathyaraj A, Spandana Battula, Sunil MM, & Tarun Kemtur, 3D Artists; Gillian George, Andy Wheater, Itai Muller, matte painting; Adam Scott, colorist; Linda Jackson, exec producer, color; Liza Kerlin, Diane Valera, color producers; Jessica Amburgey, production coordinator, color; Gemma Parr, Logan Highlen, Zack Wilpon, color assist. Music JSM Music Joel Simon, chief creative officer/co-composer; Nathaniel Morgan, Seamus Kilmartin, co-composers; Jeff Fiorello, exec producer; Norm Felker, Andrew Manning, producers. Adaptation of “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” Sound Design/Audio Post Sonic Union Michael Marinelli, sound designer/mix engineer; Patrick Sullivan, producer.
The Ad Council, partnering with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and AdoptUSKids, launched a public service campaign, created pro bono by Edelman, which aims to inspire prospective parents to consider adopting a teen from foster care.
This centerpiece PSA titled “The Rewards”--directed by The Hudson Dusters (Michael Kuhn and Niles Roth) via Greenpoint Pictures--spotlights real adoptive families who have personally experienced the mutual benefits of adoption. This longer form PSA (and cutdown versions) begins with a touching display of openness and vulnerability as adoptive parents reflect on their adoption journeys and their initial questions and hesitations about adopting a teen. Then, in a deeply emotional turn, the adoptive parents witness their children recounting the profound rewards of adoption in their lives. The teens speak of the love they share with their parents and how the decision to become a family is reciprocal. The campaign directs viewers to the AdoptUSKids website to learn more about adopting a teen from foster care.