This parody of a celebrity/entertainment insider-oriented show titled Gossip Today was created by DDB Canada’s Toronto office and directed by Jorn Haagen of Corner Store Films. The twist is that the Entertainment Tonight-esque hosts focus on a different breed of celeb–single moms who are having difficult times financially. Celebs include a woman who works 15 hour days to feed her kids but still can’t make ends meet. There’s also a mom who doesn’t have enough money to buy second hand shoes.
A voiceover and accompanying super then asks, “What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?”
Next we are asked to help struggling single mothers at
This pro-bono campaign aims to rally support for struggling single mothers and WoodGreen’s Homeward Bound program. Unique in Canada, this award-winning program helps homeless or inadequately-housed single mothers earn a tuition-paid college diploma, start a career and achieve economic self-sufficiency.
The campaign includes television, print, out of home, social and online advertising to drive traffic to WoodGreen’s website. On the website, visitors can watch short testimonial videos from some of the women featured in the campaign, who are participants from WoodGreen’s Homeward Bound program. These women share how WoodGreen’s program made a positive impact on their lives. Website visitors are also invited to sign a petition to encourage provincial funding for the expansion of the Homeward Bound program.