Imaginary Forces, Guru Media Solutions and political vet Nate Kaplan have partnered to launch SeePolitical, a website designed to educate, empower and entertain voters through brief and engaging animations that explain measures on the California ballot. The animations can be seen anywhere, anytime, on any digital device. For this week’s California Primary Election (June 3), SeePolitical rolled out videos explaining the basics of California ballot Propositions 41 and 42.
“Prop 41” lays out in easy to understand terms what the Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act of 2014 means, better equipping voters to make a decision as to whether to approve or turn a thumbs down to the measure.
In addition to the new website, a free mobile app allowed voters to watch the proposition videos on their mobile devices and then save their answers so they can use their phones or tablets as a “cheat sheet” in the voting booth. Voters can also share their election choices via social media.