Created by Publicis Brazil and produced by Zombie Studio, this animation short continues Bradesco’s fables of the fireflies that was a favorite among Brazilians and earned recognition at Cannes Lions. The new film stars Luna, a that does not light up and suffers for being different. Throughout the film, however, she gets the support of Vitinho, a boy with Down syndrome who helps her become a heroine, saving a group of fireflies that had been caught. “This campaign addresses the issue of inclusion in a very special way by showing that both Luna and Vitinho see things that other people cannot see and thus shine even brighter,” says Domênico Massareto, CCO of Publicis Brazil.
Titled In 2020, shine your own way, the piece is driven in part by Mariah Carey’s song “Hero,” performed by Brazilian singer and songwriter Ráae. From the briefing until its premiere, it took six months of work to bring the movie to life. To create the character Vitinho with maximum fidelity, the creative and production teams involved in the campaign were supported by medical specialists from the Center for Clinical Studies and Research (CEPEC-SP) and parents of children with Down syndrome. Physical and emotional characteristics as well as reactions, movements and expressions were tirelessly studied to bring the character to life.
Paulo Garcia of Zombie Studio directed the short, with Rodrigo Dutra and Bruno Monteiro serving as animation directors.