Two Moms chat as their boys enjoy a playdate. But one Mom finds herself unexpectedly embarrassed when she and her counterpart find that their lads are "fighting" using the house mom's intimate toys as weapons. The point is that if kids can get their hands on it, they'll play with it–a humorous, risque demonstration that guns need to be safely stored so children cannot gain access to them.
Client Evolve Agency McCann New York Rob Reilly, global creative chairman; Sean Bryan, Tom Murphy, chief creative officers; Zach Holliday, Josh Greenspan, group creative directors; Ferdinand Daniele, associate creative director/art director; Tom Weingard, associate creative director/copywriter; Bridget Pierce, producer; Michael Ladman, music producer. Production Private School Entertainment David Kerr, director; Julian Whatley, DP. Editorial Final Cut Michael Dart Wadsworth, editor.
Audible, Fold7, Director Antoine Bardou-Jacquet Take A “Zen Commute”
This film for Audible reflects the transformative power of audio storytelling. We see a group of people in an idyllic setting, meditating and getting in touch with their inner selves.
Suddenly utopia is disrupted as the world around them starts to shake.
Turns out we’re on a commuter train reaching a station--but thanks to Audible, the journey has been calm and almost transcendent. The commute underscores how listening to Audible immerses us all in extraordinary worlds, changing our mood, perceptions, views--while engaging in routine daily activities.
“Zen Commute” was directed by Antoine Bardou-Jacquet via production company Partizan for London-headquartered creative agency Fold7.
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