Peter Sluszka of Hornet Inc. directed this stop-motion spot depicting a village full of character–and characters–as we see it progress from morning to night on a typical day. In the village we see prim and proper sheep who end up well coiffed, rabble-rousing kids, a friendly butcher, a postman making the rounds, a fish market vendor and customers, and then the local branch of Permanent TSB Bank. Agency was Publicis Dublin.
Production Company: Hornet Inc. Peter Sluszka, director; Jan Stebbins, exec producer; Zack Kortright, producer; Joel Kretschmann, shoot producer; Ivan Abel, DP; Anita Chao, editor; Anthony Jacques, Don Canfield, motion control tech; Drew Cerria, motion control tech; Sal Denaro, Michael Lawrence, Kerry Coutu, Peter Erickson, Connie Chan, Sally Thomas, Samantha Smith, Melissa Chow, Maxwell Sorenson, Michaela Olsen, Janet Kim, Tim McDonald, Elise Ferguson, Ben Phelan, Sabrina Lessard, fabricators; Matt Somma, Kevin Coyle, Matt Christensen, Adam Pierce, Tom Gasek, Jason Patterson, animators; David Zung, storyboard artist; Jeffrey Thompson, set design; Robin Joseph, character design; Peter Fink, John Harrison, lead compositors; Allison Kocar, Paul Daniels, compositors; Rich Kim, tracking artist; Rachel Kwak, tracking assistant.
Brady Corbet Makes Commercial Directing Debut With Bloomberg Media Campaign Out Of W+K NY
“The Contextualist,” the latest chapter in Bloomberg Media’s “Context Changes Everything” brand platform, debuts today (3/6), creatively distinguishing & the Bloomberg app subscription’s value for global business and government leaders. The new concept builds on the campaign’s foundation of context--the power of Bloomberg’s journalism to draw deft connections between its wealth of news, insights and data in every corner of the world.
Golden Globe and BAFTA-award winning filmmaker Brady Corbet (The Brutalist) directed three new spots for the campaign via magna studios in his debut helming brand commercials. This spot titled “The Price of Tea in China” takes a well-known and seemingly simple idiom and unpacks its complexity as an international business story in a 30-second journey. (The other two commercials are “Bird in the Hand” and “Rising Tides.” The “Context” campaign continues to be developed in collaboration agency Wieden+Kennedy New York.
“‘Context Changes Everything’ has become an important rallying point with consumers to remind them what’s unique about Bloomberg as we continue to double down on global news coverage for them,” said Julia Beizer, COO, Bloomberg Media. “‘The Contextualist’ moves the brand forward by personifying the prevailing ideas of intellect, curiosity and ambition. We’ve gained more than 100,000 subscribers in the time since we first launched the campaign in September 2023, and it remains an important driving element of our investment to continue growing and engaging subscribers in the years to come.”
“As my directorial debut in the world of advertisement, I’m proud of this work for Bloomberg and how it addresses the importance of... Read More