Providence, R.I.-based independent agency Nail is experimenting with BITO – Back Into The Office. But unlike most businesses, Nail felt compelled to make a silly mockumentary about it.
Creative partner Brian Gross explained, “Businesses all over the country are wrestling with what ‘going back to the office’ looks like. There are inevitably different theories about the ideal answer. So in an attempt to remind everyone that going back to the office isn’t just about productivity and efficiency, it’s also about just enjoying the company of other humans, Nail Communications has documented those first awkward days back in each other’s company.”
Gross continued, “It was a load of fun for all, but it was only possible because everyone was fully vaccinated and some even have booster shots. It’s a simple metaphor for where this country could be if everyone made that same tiny sacrifice.”
Partner Lizzi Weinberg added, “One thing we know for sure, the more people that are in the office in a given day, the better. For now, we are leaning into Tuesdays and Wednesdays as suggested in-office ‘camaraderie days,’ as well as fostering culture through monthly staff meetings and professional development activities.”