The Best Work You May Never See: McCann NY, Director Buckley Team On March For Our Lives PSA Showing A Young Student’s Expertise In The Event Of An Active Shooter
March For Our Lives has released a new video PSA, “Generation Lockdown,” directed by Bryan Buckley of Hungry Man for McCann New York.
The PSA features a young girl, Kayleigh, instructing adults on how they would survive an active shooter event. The spot offers a moving look at what students deal with and how schools have had to respond to the very real threat of gun violence. It is estimated that 95% of school kids–some as young as five–are now trained on what to do during an active shooter situation because they have to be prepared for it at any minute, in any community. The PSA ends with a call for viewers to support federal legislation to put universal background checks in place for the purchase of firearms.
Following the 20 year anniversary of the Columbine High School Shooting, the video offers a stark reminder of the dangerous environment today’s students face in schools across the country.
Since March 2018, March For Our Lives students from all across the United States have called for common-sense reforms that will save the lives of more than 3,000 young people each year, including: implementing universal, comprehensive background checks; creating a searchable database for gun owners; investing in violence intervention programs, specifically in disenfranchised communities; funding the Centers for Disease Control to research gun violence so that reform policies are backed up by data; and banning high-capacity magazines and semi-automatic assault rifles.
Client March For Our Lives Agency McCann New York, Erick Silver, chief creative officer, McCann North America; Devika Bulchandani, president, McCann NY; Sean Bryan, Tom Murphy, co-chief creative officers, New York; Pierre Lipton, global executive creative director; Marco Pupo, executive creative director; Karsten Jurkschat, Alex Little, creative directors; Nathy Aviram, chief production officer; John McAdorey, executive producer; Gabrielle Levy, producer. Production Hungry Man Bryan Buckley, director; Mino Jarjoura, Kevin Byrne, Caleb Dewart, exec producers; Matt Lefebvre, producer; Sherra Fermino, production manager; Scott Henriksen, DP. Editorial NO6 Jason Macdonald, Justin Quagliata, editors; Corina Dennison, exec producer; Malia Rose, Laura Molinaro, post producers; Tripp McCarty, Scott Zeitlen, assistant editors. Finishing NO6 Ed Skupeen, Flame; Mark Reyes, Flame assistant; Steve Picano, colorist. Finishing The Mill LA Tom Graham, Flame; Phil Crowe, creative director; Marie O’Brien, producer; Anastasia Von Rahl, exec producer. Audio Post Sonic Union Brian Goodheart, audio engineer; Kelly Oostman, audio mix assistant; Pat Sullivan, Justine Cortale, audio producers. Music Duotone Audio Group Ross Hopman, exec producer; Brad Fischer, composer. Clearances Clearances provided by STALKR Colleen Cavanaugh Anthony, exec producer; George Alvarez, producer; Natalie Stowell, project manager; Niko Savich, Craig Phillips, researchers.
“The Contextualist,” the latest chapter in Bloomberg Media’s “Context Changes Everything” brand platform, debuts today (3/6), creatively distinguishing & the Bloomberg app subscription’s value for global business and government leaders. The new concept builds on the campaign’s foundation of context--the power of Bloomberg’s journalism to draw deft connections between its wealth of news, insights and data in every corner of the world.
Golden Globe and BAFTA-award winning filmmaker Brady Corbet (The Brutalist) directed three new spots for the campaign via magna studios in his debut helming brand commercials. This spot titled “The Price of Tea in China” takes a well-known and seemingly simple idiom and unpacks its complexity as an international business story in a 30-second journey. (The other two commercials are “Bird in the Hand” and “Rising Tides.” The “Context” campaign continues to be developed in collaboration agency Wieden+Kennedy New York.
“‘Context Changes Everything’ has become an important rallying point with consumers to remind them what’s unique about Bloomberg as we continue to double down on global news coverage for them,” said Julia Beizer, COO, Bloomberg Media. “‘The Contextualist’ moves the brand forward by personifying the prevailing ideas of intellect, curiosity and ambition. We’ve gained more than 100,000 subscribers in the time since we first launched the campaign in September 2023, and it remains an important driving element of our investment to continue growing and engaging subscribers in the years to come.”
“As my directorial debut in the world of advertisement, I’m proud of this work for Bloomberg and how it addresses the importance of... Read More