Curtis Wehrfritz of Untitled Films, Toronto, directed this three-spot tongue-in-cheek campaign. Developed by DDB Canada’s Toronto office, the creative is based on the idea that K-Y makes physical intimacy with your partner so comfortable and easy, women will view sex, and their partners in a whole new light.
In this particular spot, we see a middle-aged man trying to start a lawnmower–hardly a sexy sight. Yet beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And the man’s wife looks with desire upon her lawnmowing hunk, seeing him quite differently in light of what K-Y has done to enhance their physical relationship.
Client K-Y Touch 2-in-1 Warming Oil and Personal Lubricant Agency DDB Canada, Toronto Kevin Drew Davis, chief creative officer; Denise Rossetto, Todd Mackie, executive creative directors; Paul Wallace, associate creative director; Domenique Raso, copywriter; Rebecca May, art director; Caroline Clarke, producer. Production Untitled Films, Toronto. Curtis Wehrfritz, director; Lexy Kavluk, exec producer; Brendan Steacy, DP; Michael Smith, line producer. Post Posterboy Brian Williams, Raj Ramnauth, editors; Michelle Rich, producer. Post Azyzfx, Toronto. James Andrews, online editor; Karen Huybers, online producer. PostAlter Ego, Toronto. Tricia Hagoriles, colorist. Audio RMW Music, Toronto. Dustin Anstey, engineer; Jeff Cohen, producer. Casting Powerhouse Casting
This film for Audible reflects the transformative power of audio storytelling. We see a group of people in an idyllic setting, meditating and getting in touch with their inner selves.
Suddenly utopia is disrupted as the world around them starts to shake.
Turns out we’re on a commuter train reaching a station--but thanks to Audible, the journey has been calm and almost transcendent. The commute underscores how listening to Audible immerses us all in extraordinary worlds, changing our mood, perceptions, views--while engaging in routine daily activities.
“Zen Commute” was directed by Antoine Bardou-Jacquet via production company Partizan for London-headquartered creative agency Fold7.