This three-minute animated short for cinema and online introduces us to Geoff, the head of innovation for Heinz Beanz. Geoff grew up loving beans and as a professional he came up with ways for beans to be enjoyed by everyone–creating a new can size for every life stage. A can for one, another for two (inspired by a girl who ultimately becomes Geoff’s wife), beans for all (when he starts a family, with two kids), and then a little snack sized can (for his grown, teenage kids).
Titled “Geoff,” the film is the centerpiece of a heartwarming campaign in which Kraft Heinz Australia removes traditional Heinz Beanz branding to create charming new labels for different sized cans perfect for every Aussie depending on his or her life circumstance.
Y&R New Zealand created the campaign. Production studio was Assembly Ltd, with Damon Duncan serving as director.
Client KraftHeinz/Heinz Beanz Australia Agency Y&R New Zealand Josh Moore, chief creative officer/CEO; Jono Key, managing director/head of planning; Tom Paine, executive creative director; Ellen Fromm, copywriter/art director; James Wendelborn, head of design; Sacha Moore, head of TV; Liz Rosby, producer. Production Assembly Ltd. Damon Duncan, director; Rhys Dipple, technical director/3D artist/compositing; Amanda Chambers, exec producer; Josh Fourt-Wells, lead designer/character design/3D artist; Geoff Kirk Smith,Katie Naeher, Craig Speakman, Craig Baxter, Alex McLeod, Damon Duncan, Marcos Godoy, Anastasia Fileva, Andrii Kryvuila, Gustavo Soares, Alex Scollay, Patrick Blades, 3D artists. Scotty Wilson, environmental design; Pete Ritchie, color grade. (Toolbox: Photoshop, 3DS Max, Maya, Marvelous Designer) Sound Franklin Road Mahuia Bridgeman Cooper, composer; Shane Tapari, sound design; Jonathan Mihaljevich, executive music & sound producer. Media Agency Spark Foundry Taylor Svarc, digital director.
Lead agency Serviceplan’s new cross-media campaign for Lufthansa, “All it Takes is a Yes,” includes this short film which follows a protagonist who is magically transported from her daily office life to dream destinations with just a simple tap on the Lufthansa app.
We accompany her on a wonderful journey, discovering inspiring local experiences along the way. We see her at a dumpling shop in Shanghai, swimming in the turquoise waters near Rio de Janeiro, grabbing a sandwich at a New York deli, exploring the bustling streets of Mumbai, dancing at a wedding party in Rome and marvelling at the desert in South Africa. Along the way she connects with a character who’s seemingly following her. Inspired by magical realism, director Niclas Larsson via production house Iconoclast has crafted a stunning visual journey that perfectly blends reality and dream.
The campaign was developed and implemented by an international Serviceplan team under the creative lead of Serviceplan Germany chief creative officer Till Diestel, and global executive creative directors Erick Barrios Hernández and Wolfgang Warzilek.
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