This three-minute short film developed by Fred & Farid Paris for the French retailer La Redoute centers on a 14-year-old girl named Lou. She lives at her mother’s one week and her father’s the next, but her routine is disrupted when her father’s girlfriend moves in.
La Redoute and Fred & Farid Paris called on the talent of French actress, Géraldine Nakache, who previously directed and starred in the award-winning film Tout ce qui brille. It was her first time directing a TV ad; production house was Quad Stories, Paris. Lou is accompanied by the track Une Minute by French singer/songwriter Pomme.
Titled Lou, the film reminds us that learning to live together is more than important than ever.
La Redoute and Fred & Farid Paris have worked together since 2013, redefining the brand’s mission and targets. In this new campaign, they wanted to emphasize the role the retailer has played in families’ lives, generation after generation, its presence and the solutions it provides in all sorts of situations, whatever life has in store.